background Archive

JSN ImageShow

JSN ImageShow is a flash image gallery that you can put it in your Joomla powered website. JSN ImageShow suports JPG, PNG and GIF image formats and you can put your image in any order you want. If you want to share images from ...Read More


It seems too much time has passed since we talked about online pattern, texture, or even button generators, and today I will try to add one more item to this large category of online design elements generators. Sure, some may say there’s nothing special ...Read More


Feelin’ in the mood for some stripes? I know we just got through a dotted background generator, but I hope having some stripes as an alternative won’t be boring. After all – at least when I speak about myself – stripes are more interesting ...Read More

Background Dotter

For a long time, I considered website backgrounds to be useless. Looking at sites like Twitter, I can say that I was somehow wrong. Backgrounds can look pretty good, if used wisely, but some designers consider them to be a waste of time, so ...Read More