script Archive

Infinite Responder

I don’t know if it’s only me and the emails I receive, but some messages don’t really need my attention – it’s not spam, just messages from friends that usually get answers like “I have seen that video 2 years ago.” or “Sorry, but ...Read More

justVisual 2

If someone tells you that WordPress seems like rocket science, what would you recommend? Sure, we are talking about some people that use computers at work, yet remaining computer illeterates when it comes to anything else than the stuff they do to earn their ...Read More


No matter if you already heard about Clipperz or not, I am sure you’ll love this: a free and open source password manager that you can host on your own server(s)! Obviously, we’re talking about Clipperz Community Edition, since Clipperz is, as they nicely ...Read More

This is no secret, but I never told you about it so far – I am moderating the IT section of a general-purpose forum. Nothing out of this world, just a medium-sized forum reached by a few thousand users daily. Strange enough, even there ...Read More


If you are a web developer you need to test your website. For this you will need to install a webserver, PHP, MySQL, etc. You can install them manually, but you will lose a lot of time and is not worth it. It’s not ...Read More


While some say content is the king, I must somehow disagree. Content may be the king, but it’s all about delivery. No matter how brilliant and useful may be your writing, for example, users visiting your blog won’t look for those Google ads placed ...Read More


Still using Twitter? To be honest, I discovered a few interesting people using it so far, and more than enough spammers – or simply people I have nothing in common with. Should I start taking it seriously? Nope, no way, but as long as ...Read More