A friend of mine asked me about some project he should work on. To be more accurate, he wanted to start working on something to sell, but didn’t have a clue on the topic. “Some Twitter tool,” I said, and it seems I was right. No, he didn’t become a millionaire yet, but since I see so many Twitter-related tools showing up these days, some of them selling for pretty high prices, I think he has a chance. Anyway, today we’re going to talk about an open source piece of code that includes Twitter support, but still… I think good Twitter apps can earn you some serious dough, if you do things right!
Today’s topic, ThinkTank, comes with Twitter and Facebook support for now, but more are expected to join them in the near future. According to the company behind it, Expert Labs, “ThinkTank is a new, free installable web application that lets you capture the insights and expertise of your social network by collecting and organizing replies to your conversations on Twitter, Facebook and (soon!) other networks.”
While the above may sound just like one of thousand software descriptions wrote every day, one fact is certain: if the White House decided to adopt ThinkTank in the near future, this project is surely one to keep an eye on and, if you got what it takes and could find it a good use, install it on your own server and play with it for a while!
Compatibility: all major browsers, as long as you got PHP and MySQL running properly on your server