WD3K sexy social 0.9 released


Today I released the initial version of my new wordpress plugin named WD3K Sexy Social.

Plugin places animated social icons under your WP posts and let your users to share your posts on many famous social network sites. Currently following social networks are supported:

  1. bebo
  2. delicious
  3. digg
  4. facebook
  5. friendfeed
  6. google
  7. google_buzz
  8. linkedin
  9. myspace
  10. netvibes
  11. newsvine
  12. reddit
  13. stumbleupon
  14. technorati
  15. tumblr
  16. twitter

I added a bit of jQuery code to make it animated. New version will contain one more animation style so you can select the one you like. Feel free to post your comments and requirements about this new plugin.

Looking for demo ? Just take a look bellow this post and share it 😉  You can download the plugin here.

One Response
  1. June 28, 2011

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