> Advanced Custom Fields wordpress plugin resources analysis

Advanced Custom Fields wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Download Elegant Themes
Name Advanced Custom Fields
Version 4.4.0
Author Elliot Condon
Rating 98
Last updated 2015-02-05 02:10:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
Advanced Custom Fields plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

Advanced Custom Fields plugin added 5 bytes of resources to the Home page and 17 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

Advanced Custom Fields plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Advanced Custom Fields plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Advanced Custom Fields is the perfect solution for any wordpress website which needs more flexible data like other Content Management Systems.

  • Visually create your Fields
  • Select from multiple input types (text, textarea, wysiwyg, image, file, page link, post object, relationship, select, checkbox, radio buttons, date picker, true / false, repeater, flexible content, gallery and more to come!)
  • Assign your fields to multiple edit pages (via custom location rules)
  • Easily load data through a simple and friendly API
  • Uses the native WordPress custom post type for ease of use and fast processing
  • Uses the native WordPress metadata for ease of use and fast processing

Field Types

  • Text (type text, api returns text)
  • Text Area (type text, api returns text)
  • Number (type number, api returns integer)
  • Email (type email, api returns text)
  • Password (type password, api returns text)
  • WYSIWYG (a wordpress wysiwyg editor, api returns html)
  • Image (upload an image, api returns the url)
  • File (upload a file, api returns the url)
  • Select (drop down list of choices, api returns chosen item)
  • Checkbox (tickbox list of choices, api returns array of choices)
  • Radio Buttons ( radio button list of choices, api returns chosen item)
  • True / False (tick box with message, api returns true or false)
  • Page Link (select 1 or more page, post or custom post types, api returns the selected url)
  • Post Object (select 1 or more page, post or custom post types, api returns the selected post objects)
  • Relationship (search, select and order post objects with a tidy interface, api returns the selected post objects)
  • Taxonomy (select taxonomy terms with options to load, display and save, api returns the selected term objects)
  • User (select 1 or more WP users, api returns the selected user objects)
  • Google Maps (interactive map, api returns lat,lng,address data)
  • Date Picker (jquery date picker, options for format, api returns string)
  • Color Picker (WP color swatch picker)
  • Tab (Group fields into tabs)
  • Message (Render custom messages into the fields)
  • Repeater (ability to create repeatable blocks of fields!)
  • Flexible Content (ability to create flexible blocks of fields!)
  • Gallery (Add, edit and order multiple images in 1 simple field)
  • Custom (Create your own field type!)

Tested on

  • Mac Firefox :)
  • Mac Safari :)
  • Mac Chrome :)
  • PC Safari :)
  • PC Chrome :)
  • PC Firefox :)
  • iPhone Safari :)
  • iPad Safari :)
  • PC ie7 :S




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Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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