Themes speed test results by Theme Author - Page:1

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
1. Pool 1.1 2thePoint 95
2. BrushedMetal 1.3 2thePoint 95
3. Photog 1.3 2thePoint 91
4. Blueskool 1.2.1 50psi 93
5. Eviro 1.094 7theme 91
6. Required 1.5.0 8BITLLC 87
7. Toronto 1.2.7 9thsphere 91
8. Perdana 1.24 aandamar89 95
9. thirteenmag 1.7.4 aarifhsn 90
10. Essence 0.2.1 aaroncampbell 87
11. Monaco 1.5.4 aaviya 91
12. Abel One 0.4 abelcounty 93
13. Planet Foundation 1.3.6 abeverly922 89
14. MyBlogsTheme 1.6 abhik03 94
15. Grain Abhinav Penmetsa 89
16. Campus 1.2.5 academiathemes 89
17. Accesspress Lite 2.40 Access Keys 77
18. Accesspress Parallax 1.17 Access Keys 84
19. AccessPress Ray 1.12 Access Keys 84
20. JustWrite 1.0.6 acosmin 88
21. little 0.4 adaircameron 95
22. Adam's Razor 1.1.1 adamlofting 95
23. Fresh Ink Magazine 1.08 Adazing 94
24. Wordsmith Blog .4.1 Adazing 85
25. Fishy 0.5 admark 90
26. Pink Tulip 1.1 agodlymaiden 95
27. Light Green 1.6 Agroturystyczne 91
28. Blueberry 2.0.3 ah125i 89
29. Quark 1.3 ahortin 90
30. Connections Reloaded 3.1 Ajay 93
31. typefocus 8.1.1 ajaysdesk 70
32. Evyr 0.0.1 Akel-Res 89
33. Outset 1.1 akumarks 91
34. Silver Blue 1.0.2 Alappin 91
35. Skinbu 1.5.0 Albyzzolo 93
36. EasyTheme 2.0 Alekseo 93
37. Sugar and Spice 1.3.2 alex27 90
38. Story 1.0.1 alex27 91
39. Delicacy 1.2.8 alex27 90
40. Design Notes 1.2 alexandratong 93
41. Coupon 1.4.3 alexitsios 91
42. School 1.4.3 alexitsios 88
43. Restaurante 2.1 alexitsios 90
44. Italian Restaurant 2.1 alexitsios 91
45. Business Card 1.3 alexitsios 91
46. Directory 2.1 alexitsios 91
47. Greek Restaurant 2.0 alexitsios 91
48. Hephaestus 1.4.8 alexitsios 89
49. Business Mind 1.2 alexitsios 91
50. Chinese Restaurant 2.1 alexitsios 91
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