> All In One Favicon wordpress plugin resources analysis

All In One Favicon wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Download Elegant Themes
Name All In One Favicon
Version 4.3
Author Arne Franken
Rating 92
Last updated 2013-02-21 10:19:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
All In One Favicon plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

All In One Favicon plugin added 9 bytes of resources to the Home page and 9 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

All In One Favicon plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! All In One Favicon plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

All In One Favicon adds favicons to your site and your admin pages.
You can either use favicons you already uploaded or use the builtin upload mechanism to upload a favicon to your WordPress installation.

All three favicon types are supported - .ico, .png and .gif (may be animated)
Also, Apple Touch Icons are supported.

See plugin page for more information, a "first steps" guide and screenshots.


Is your native language missing?
Translating the plugin is easy if you understand english and are fluent in another language.
I described in the FAQ how the translation works.

Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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