> Bulk Delete wordpress plugin resources analysis

Bulk Delete wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Download Elegant Themes
Name Bulk Delete
Version 5.4.2
Author Sudar
Rating 92
Last updated 2015-03-04 12:43:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
Bulk Delete plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

Bulk Delete plugin added 7 bytes of resources to the Home page and 5 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

Bulk Delete plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Bulk Delete plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Bulk Delete is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to delete posts, pages, users and meta fields in bulk based on different conditions and filters.

The following conditions and filters are supported.


Deleting posts

This Plugin supports the following bulk delete options for deleting posts

  • Delete posts by category
  • Delete posts by tag
  • Delete posts by custom taxonomy
  • Delete posts by custom post type
  • Delete posts by url
  • Delete posts by custom field (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete posts by title (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete posts by duplicate title (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete posts by user role (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete all draft posts
  • Delete all pending posts
  • Delete all private posts
  • Delete all scheduled posts
  • Delete all posts from trash (Available as a Pro addon)

All the above options support the following filters

  • Post date greater than X days
  • Post date less than X days
  • Only public posts
  • Only private posts
  • Restrict to first N posts
  • Delete permanently or just move to trash
  • Schedule deletion of posts automatically (Available as a Pro addon)

Deleting posts by content

  • Delete duplicate posts by title (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete posts based on whether it contains attachment or not (Available as a Pro addon)

Deleting pages

  • Delete all published pages
  • Delete all draft pages
  • Delete all pending pages
  • Delete all private pages
  • Delete all scheduled pages
  • Delete all pages from trash (Available as a Pro addon)

Like posts, all the above options support the following filters as well

  • Post date greater than X days
  • Post date less than X days
  • Only public posts
  • Only private posts
  • Restrict to first N posts
  • Delete permanently or just move to trash
  • Schedule deletion of pages automatically (Available as a Pro addon)

Deleting post revisions

  • Delete all post revisions

Deleting users

  • Delete users based on user role
  • Delete users who have not logged in in the last X days

Deleting Meta Fields

  • Delete Post meta fields
  • Delete Comment meta fields
  • Delete User meta fields

Deleting other items

  • Delete Jetpack Contact Form Messages

More options coming soon :)

As you can see, the Plugin provide comprehensive options and filters to perform bulk deletion.

If you looking for just moving posts, instead of deleting, then use Bulk Move Plugin instead.

Pro Addons

The following are the popular pro addons that are available for purchase. The full list of pro addons is available at the plugin site.

  • Delete posts by custom field - Adds the ability to delete posts based on custom field. More details.
  • Delete posts by title - Adds the ability to delete posts based on title. More details.
  • Delete posts by duplicate title - Adds the ability to delete posts based on duplicate title. More details.
  • Delete posts by user role - Adds the ability to delete posts based on user role. More details.
  • Delete from trash - Adds the ability to delete posts and pages from trash. More details.
  • Scheduler Email - Sends email whenever a Bulk WP Scheduler runs. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts Category - Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on category. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts Tag - Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on tag. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts by Custom Taxonomy - Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on custom taxonomy. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts by Custom post type - Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on custom post type. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts by Post Status - Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on post status like drafts, pending posts, scheduled posts etc. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting pages by status - Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of pages based on status. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting users by User Role - Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of users based on user role. More details.
  • Delete Post Meta Fields Pro - Adds the ability to delete post meta fields based on value and to schedule automatic deletion. More details.
  • Delete Comment Meta Fields Pro - Adds the ability to delete comment meta fields based on value and to schedule automatic deletion. More details.
  • Delete User Meta Fields Pro - Adds the ability to delete user meta fields based on value and to schedule automatic deletion. More details.
  • Delete Jetpack Contact Form Messages Pro - Adds the ability to delete Jetpack Contact Form Messages based on filters and to schedule automatic deletion. More details.


The development of the Plugin happens over at github. If you want to contribute to the Plugin, fork the project at github and send me a pull request.

If you are not familiar with either git or Github then refer to this guide to see how fork and send pull request.

If you are looking for ideas, then you can start with one of TODO items from the issue tracker :)


  • If you have found a bug/issue or have a feature request, then post them in github issues
  • If you have a question about the plugin usage or need help to troubleshoot, then post about it in our BulkWP Support forums
  • If you have a question about any of the addon or need help to troubleshoot the addons, then post about it in our BulkWP Support forums
  • If you like the Plugin, then kindly leave a review/feedback at WordPress repo page. This will help more people to discover the plugin.
  • Checkout other WordPress Plugins that I have written
  • If anything else, then contact us in twitter.
Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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