> Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers wordpress plugin resources analysis

Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers
Version 1.0
Author soundwaves-productions
Rating 0
Last updated 2011-10-07 07:36:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: -6%

Post page

Delta: -6%
Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers plugin has Huge impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 6%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 6%

Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers plugin added 56 kB of resources to the Home page and 56 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers plugin added 2 new host(s) to the Home page and 2 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

This plugin allows you to add one or more maps (via the Google Maps v3 API) to your page/post using shortcodes. This plugin supports multiple markers per map !


  • multiple maps on the same post
  • multiple markers per map
  • set map size
  • set zoom level
  • set map type
  • set location by latitude/longitude
  • set location by address
  • add custom image as map icon
Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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