> Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ wordpress plugin resources analysis

Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+
Version 3.9.25
Author kasal
Rating 76
Last updated 2014-05-21 12:19:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ plugin added 27 kB of resources to the Home page and 20 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ plugin added 1 new host(s) to the Home page and 1 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Add simple social share buttons to your articles. Your visitors will be able to easily share your content on the most popular social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Linkedin, Tumblr, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Bebo, Delicous, VKontakte and Email.

These services are used by millions of people every day, so sharing your content there will increase traffic to your website.

Main features / advantages

  • Slick, minimalistic design.
  • Very small and fast. The code for sharing button is very small (only a few KB), so share buttons will not slow down your website - even on devices with slow network connections.
  • All major social networks are supported: Twitter, Facebook (Facebook Share / Facebook Like / Facebook Send), Google Plus, Linkedin, Tumblr, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Bebo, Delicious, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Sina Weibo, QZone, Renren.
  • Social media counters: Twitter Tweet, Facebook Like, Google +1, Linkedin Share, Pinterest - Pin it
  • Compatible with all major web browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera.
  • Share toolbar works with desktop and mobile devices (mobile phones and tablets). Tested with PC, Apple iOS / iPhone / iPad and Google Android devices.
  • Real-time button preview in admin settings. You will be able to see the preview of share buttons as you configure them.
  • Support for right-to-left (RTL) scripts / languages (Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hebrew, Yiddish, Syriac, Thaana/Dhivehi, N'Ko, Chinese, Japanese).
  • Hide or show buttons for specific posts / pages (see Shortcodes below)
  • Hide or show buttons for posts / pages / front page / categories
  • Option to add "via @yourprofile" to tweets (Twitter)
  • Localized counters: Tweet, Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Google +1 buttons can use translated versions (support for 73 languages)
  • Hide share buttons for specific categories
  • Hide "Share" image or use translated image (20+ languages available)
  • Sidebar widget
  • Use of shortcodes inside template files
  • Display staring stats for whole website or for each page individually
  • Select image to use for Facebook sharing (Facebook thumbnail)
  • You can use your own custom social icons for Twitter, Facebook and other social networks
  • Load social icons from your own content delivery network (CDN)
  • Set background and border color for share button (menu)
  • Support for SSL (https)
  • Email button
  • Print button
  • All share buttons are optional: You can add or remove any button from plugin settings
  • Multisite support (works with Wordpress Multi-site)
  • Support for custom post types (it is possible to show or hide share buttons for each custom post type)

Share Buttons are very easy to configure. Just select button type, size, position and which social networking services do you want to offer to your visitors. Buttons will appear below your articles or on top of them (or both) as you choose.


  • Use [hupso_hide] anywhere in post's text to hide buttons for specific post.
  • Use [hupso] anywhere in post's text to show buttons at custom position inside the post. Buttons will be shown exactly where this shortcode appears.
  • Shortcodes inside template files: Add this PHP code inside template files at position where you want to show share buttons: echo do_shortcode('[hupso]'); You can configure share buttons in plugin settings.
  • Shortcodes inside widget text: Just include [hupso] anywhere in widget text area and share buttons will be displayed there.
  • You can use custom titles and urls inside shortcodes. Exampe: [hupso title="My title" url="http://www.hupso.com/share/"]. You can use only title or only url if you like: [hupso title="My title"], [hupso url="http://www.hupso.com/share/"].


Plugin is currently translated into: Czech, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Dutch (Nederlands / Belgium). If you would like to translate into your language, send message here.

Share Buttons Demo | FAQ | Feedback

Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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