> InstantSearch+ for WooCommerce wordpress plugin resources analysis

InstantSearch+ for WooCommerce wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Download Elegant Themes
Name InstantSearch+ for WooCommerce
Version 1.2.18
Author Fast Simon Inc
Rating 94
Last updated 2015-03-10 08:20:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: -4%

Post page

Delta: -4%
InstantSearch+ for WooCommerce plugin has small negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 4%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 4%

InstantSearch+ for WooCommerce plugin added 257 kB of resources to the Home page and 257 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

InstantSearch+ for WooCommerce plugin added 2 new host(s) to the Home page and 2 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! InstantSearch+ for WooCommerce plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Add the fastest, most advanced, cloud-based instant search to your WooCommerce store, and see your conversion rates go up. Search-as-you-type product names, descriptions, images, and prices from the first typed character. Fast cloud-CDN-based results, Product promotions, and personalized real-time search query suggestions make it a must-have for your eCommerce store.

Play with our demo site at http://woocommerce.instantsearchplus.com

Enjoy our 30-day FREE TRIAL and then sign up to one of our affordable subscriptions from $4.99 per month or the discounted price of $48 per year. InstantSearch+ is free up to 50 products.
To learn more please visit: http://www.instantsearchplus.com/instantsearchplus-autocomplete-woocommerce

Lightning-Fast Instant Search for WooCommerce Stores

  • 100% Cloud-based, CDN-backed, product search results with the lowest possible latency
  • Search-as-you-type product names, images, and prices from the first typed character
  • In search, speed is a big deal. Google knows it. Amazon knows it. Faster results equal better conversion. That's why we make such a big deal of our lightning-fast service. Your users deserve it.

Advanced, Relevant, & Integrated Search Results Page

  • Contemporary, professionally-looking search results page
  • Did You Mean auto typo correction
  • Learning search algorithm that continuously gets better
  • Search term highlighting - visual indication of the end user search term in found results

Product Instant Search & Promotions

  • Contextual product promotions based on what visitors type - Promote specific products
  • Product suggestions based on your WooCommerce store catalog
  • Turbolinks that link destinations to non-product searches & synonyms

Personal Real Time Search Suggestions

  • Popular Searches based on what other people type
  • Personal history Searches based on what the visitor previously searched
  • Advanced word matching and typo correction. Your visitor will get suggestions even when they misspell

Online InstantSearch Portal and Search Terms Report

  • Usage dashboard and email reports
  • Top search suggestions - what people searched for on your WooCommerce store
  • Top products - which product suggestions were chosen
  • Top under-served searches - what people look for but cannot find

Seamless Integration with Your WooCommerce Store

  • 2-minute installation
  • 100% pure additive Javascript and CSS goodness - does not break or replace your store's original functionality or built-in search
  • Customizable look and feel to fit your store frontend
  • Desktop, tablet and mobile theme supported

Automatically Generated Search Filters

  • Automatically generated, fully customizable filters
  • Can include price, vendor, weight, type, tags, or any other product option
  • Help users narrow down search results


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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