> JM HTML5 and Responsive Gallery wordpress plugin resources analysis

JM HTML5 and Responsive Gallery wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name JM HTML5 and Responsive Gallery
Rating 60
Last updated 2014-06-21 01:48:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
JM HTML5 and Responsive Gallery plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

JM HTML5 and Responsive Gallery plugin added 2 bytes of resources to the Home page and 7 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

JM HTML5 and Responsive Gallery plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! JM HTML5 and Responsive Gallery plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

This plugin used to be a good feature for WordPress but with 3.9++ HTML5 support can be enabled with the following snippet :

add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'gallery', 'caption' ) );

And I think it's much better to handle the responsive part from your main stylesheet now. Considering performance above all ! So you can download the plugin but I recommand not to use it with recent versions of WordPress (after 3.9) so basically not to use it because you're supposed to use the latest version of WordPress anytime ^^

This plugin was recommanded by WPMU.org

Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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