> WordPress Landing Pages wordpress plugin resources analysis

WordPress Landing Pages wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Download Elegant Themes
Name WordPress Landing Pages
Version 1.8.0
Author Inbound Now
Rating 74
Last updated 2015-01-27 01:47:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: -1%

Post page

Delta: -1%
WordPress Landing Pages plugin has small negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 1%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 1%

WordPress Landing Pages plugin added 194 kB of resources to the Home page and 194 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

WordPress Landing Pages plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! WordPress Landing Pages plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

WordPress Landing Pages works as a standalone plugin or hand in hand with WordPress Calls to Action & WordPress Leads to create a powerful & free lead generation system for your business.

This plugin creates landing pages (a.k.a. conversion or splash pages) for your WordPress site. It gives site owners the ability to monitor and track conversion rates, run a/b or multivariate split tests on landing pages, and most importantly increase lead flow!

The landing page plugin was specifically designed with inbound marketing best practices in mind and will help you drive & convert more leads on your site.

Landing pages are an ideal way to convert more of your passive website visitors into active leads or email list subscribers.


  • Create beautiful Landing Pages on your WordPress site.
  • Visual Editor to view changes being made on the fly!
  • Track conversion rates on your landing pages for continual optimization.
  • Easily clone existing landing pages and run A/B Split tests on variations.
  • Use your current WordPress theme or choose from our library of custom landing page designs.
  • Pre-populate Forms with visitor information to increase conversion rates
  • Gather lead intelligence and track lead activity with WordPress Leads
  • Extend functionality with our growing repository of third party add ons.
  • Easily implement your own custom landing page design.

This plugin is form agnostic meaning it will work with any form system you use.

Recommended form plugins (Gravity forms, Ninja Forms or Contact form 7)

About the Plugin

Developers & Designers

We built the landing page plugin as a framework! Need A/B testing out of the box implemented for your existing designs? Use WordPress Landing Pages to quickly spin up new landing pages that have all the functionality your clients will need.

You can quickly take your existing designs and implement them using our templating framework.

The plugin is also fully extendable and has a number of actions, filters, and hooks available for use. If a hook doesn't exist, simply ask and we can implement custom changes.

Follow Development on GitHub | Follow Development on Twitter


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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