> Social Login, Social Sharing and Social Data Integration wordpress plugin resources analysis

Social Login, Social Sharing and Social Data Integration wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name Social Login, Social Sharing and Social Data Integration
Version 6.5
Author LoginRadius Team
Rating 28
Last updated 2015-02-21 10:34:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: -1%

Post page

Delta: -6%
Social Login, Social Sharing and Social Data Integration plugin has Huge impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 1%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 6%

Social Login, Social Sharing and Social Data Integration plugin added 241 kB of resources to the Home page and 237 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

Social Login, Social Sharing and Social Data Integration plugin added 3 new host(s) to the Home page and 3 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Social Login, Social Sharing and Social Data Integration plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

This is a paid subscription plugin offered by LoginRadius with a 30-day free trial period. A simplified Social Sharing is offered as a free plugin and can be found here.

This plugin enables Social Login and Social Sharing. Along with that it also captures users’ profile data, with their permission of course, and automatically creates a profile in your WP database. The plugin can also feed the data into your existing email software such as MailChimp or any other marketing, sales or analytics software.

See the screenshot section for visuals on social login, social sharing and features.

Product Overview:

1. Social Login

Social login reduces the barriers users face when attempting to register on your website by allowing them to log in with their existing social accounts, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google and 30 other networks. This eliminates the need to create yet another username and password.

2. Social Sharing

Make your users your brand ambassadors and drive high quality referrals to your website - 82% of users consider buying or trying products and services based on their friends’ recommendations. With social share, you give users the tools to share your content, product details and other information with their own networks.

3. User Profile Data

Our solution allows websites to collect more than 200 user data points - such as demographics, name, education, verified email address and many more - in order to better understand users. This enables businesses to personalize users’ web experiences and then build long-term relationships with them.

4. Social Data Integration

Our solution can auto integrate social data into your existing softwares such as mailchimp, hubspot, salesforce, google analytics, etc.

5. Social Analytics

With social analytics, website owners get access to far more data fields than traditional analytics - such as Google Analytics - because they include individual users' interests, gender, education, relationship status, age and also track their activities across websites.

6. Single sign-on

Single Sign-On creates a single authentication system for multiple web properties allowing users to navigate websites with a single account.

Live Demo

loginradius live demo

Step-by-step installation documents

This plugin runs on LoginRadius SaaS (Software-as-a-Service). To see our packages please visit Pricing section.

If you have any questions or would like a product demo please contact us here.

Features of this Plugin

  • A clean, user friendly WP admin U/I with tab structure with various options for social login, sharing and commenting
  • Users can register by logging in with their social ID, such as Gmail, Twitter, Facebook etc and will not require usernames/passwords
  • 30+ ID providers available, choose as many ID providers as you like
  • Support legacy account mapping for your existing WordPress user accounts to social login
  • It automatically creates an account for each user
  • Fully compatible with s2member
  • Fully compatible with Buddypress and bbPress
  • Supports WordPress Multisite feature
  • Auto approve user's comments from social ID providers
  • Fetched data, including email addresses, name, date of birth, etc.
  • Twitter does not provider email addresses, so in case a user logs in with Twitter, you have the option for a pop-up window to appear asking users to fill his/her email address and that can be verified
  • Personalize ID providers i.e integrate FB, Google, Twitter apps in to your LoginRadius so that it will show your website name/logo in the ID providers login pop-up
  • Options to show a social login interface (widget) on a login, register, and/or comment page
  • Option to integration data with mailchimp, salesforce, google analytics, hubspot, etc.
  • Enable email verification from the end user
  • Supports HTTPS enabled website
  • Developer sandbox
  • Get 24/7 email support
  • Add multiple admins to your LoginRadius account
  • A set-up service (installation, configuration, customization, quality assurance) at additional cost

Learn more about our Paid packages here.

Other Social Plugins

LoginRadius also provides social plugins for Joomla, Drupal, Magento, PrestaShop, Vanilla Forum, osCommerce, Zen Cart, X-cart, vBulletin and DotNetNuke. Learn more.

Important links

Please share your comments and feedback at feedback@loginradius.com


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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