> The Events Calendar wordpress plugin resources analysis

The Events Calendar wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name The Events Calendar
Version 3.9.1
Author Modern Tribe, Inc.
Rating 92
Last updated 2015-01-15 11:26:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
The Events Calendar plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

The Events Calendar plugin added 181 bytes of resources to the Home page and 157 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

The Events Calendar plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! The Events Calendar plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

A note about support: We’re here to help troubleshoot bugs, but should set expectations early that the support forums at WordPress.org are only checked once a week. Please read our sticky post before creating a new thread.

Users looking for more timely/in-depth support are encouraged to check out Events Calendar PRO.

Create and manage events with ease. Get professional-level quality and features backed by a team you can trust. The Events Calendar will help you kick ass.

The Events Calendar is built and supported by WordPress artisans Modern Tribe. Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, ticket sales, publicly submitted events, new views, Facebook event integration and more? Check out the available add-ons.


The Events Calendar is crafted the WordPress way.

The Events Calendar has been audited by many of the industry's WordPress experts including core developer Mark Jaquith for security & plugin review team member Pippin Williamson for best practices and plugin compatibility.

We've poured hundreds of hours into QA by a dedicated support team, monthly usability tests to guarantee that it's easy to use, and numerous user interviews to make sure you get what you want. We care about quality and crafting products that thrive in the wild.

The team at Modern Tribe stands by our work and offers light support every Wednesday to the community via the WordPress.org support forums. Feel free to ask a question if you're having a problem with implementation or if you find bugs. Looking for help NOW or need a deeper level of support? Add the premium add-on plugin and you get access to premium support forums with under 24hr response times on weekdays.

Enjoy using The Events Calendar, know how to get under the hood and want to make money helping people? We're growing our community team and would love to hear from you. If you’re interested, check this out!


The Events Calendar is built to work out of the box: it doesn’t use a shortcode (nor is one available). Just turn it on, configure the settings to match your needs and you'll be making events within less than 5 minutes.

By developers, for developers...it's ready to be the foundation for your wildest hack sessions. Complete with a skeleton stylesheet to theme fast and efficiently, loads of tools including partial template overrides, a host of template tags, hooks and filters, careful documentation, as well as a library of code snippets on GitHub. The Events Calendar is built FOR people who build websites.

Whether your vision is big or small, we have you in mind.

We've scaled The Events Calendar to work on a network with over 25 million unique visitors per month and hundreds of thousands of events. We have it running for Fortune 100 companies. Major universities, government institutions and some seriously bad ass startups push their events with our platform. Thousands of churches, eateries, small businesses, musicians, venues, and non-profits are publishing and promoting their events with The Events Calendar. You're in good company.


Whether you're operating a hyperlocal hub listing thousands of events, a university with many thousands of users, or you're a sole business owner listing your classes, The Events Calendar has your back.

Just getting started? Definitely watch and read through the New User Primer before going much further.

  • Rapidly create events
  • Saved venues & organizers
  • Calendar month view with tooltips
  • List view
  • Event search
  • Google maps
  • Widget: Upcoming events
  • Events Taxonomies (Categories & Tags)
  • Completely ajaxified for super smooth browsing
  • Completely responsive from mobile to tablet to desktop
  • Tested on the major theme frameworks such as Genesis, Woo Themes, Thesis and many more.
  • Increase your SEO with Microformats
  • Internationalized & Translated
  • Multiple stylesheets (Skeleton, Default, Tribe Event Styles) to improve integration
  • Extensive Template Tags for Customization
  • Hook & Filters up the wazoo
  • Caching Support
  • Debug Mode for Developers

Looking for something else?

  • Events PRO: recurring events, a whole range of new views (day / week / map / photo / venue / organizer) & widgets (calendar / featured venue / event countdown), custom event attributes, geolocation search and a lot more.
  • Sell tickets with WooCommerce or Eventbrite
  • Import events from Facebook or let your users submit from right on your website!
  • Have so many amazing events that your users get overwhelmed? Drop some filters on them with the Filter Bar Plugin.

Join us on Facebook to be part of our active community, check us out on Twitter, and sign up for our newsletter for release announcements and discounts.


If you’ve identified a bug and want to submit a patch, we’d welcome it at our GitHub page for The Events Calendar. Simply cue up your proposed patch as a pull request, and we’ll review as part of our monthly release cycle and merge into the codebase if appropriate from there. (If a pull request is rejected, we’ll do our best to tell you why). Users whose pull requests are accepted will receive credit in the plugin’s changelog. For more information, check out the readme at our GitHub page. Happy coding!


Need to hack the plugin or build a new feature for a project? How about making that into an add-on plugin so other people who have been wishing for the same feature can take advantage!

Want to make an add-on? Check out Jessica's sample add-on plugin: Agenda View!

Send it to us and we would be happy to review it and give you feedback! Then put it up on the .org repo for everyone to appreciate!

Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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