> User Access Manager wordpress plugin resources analysis

User Access Manager wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name User Access Manager
Author Alexander Schneider
Rating 86
Last updated 2015-03-09 03:41:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
User Access Manager plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

User Access Manager plugin added 4 kB of resources to the Home page and 4 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

User Access Manager plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! User Access Manager plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

With the "User Access Manager"-plugin you can manage the access to your posts, pages and files. You only create a user group, put registered users to this and set up the rights for this group. From now on the post/page is only accessible and writable for the specified group. This plugin is useful if you need a member area or a private section at your blog or you want that other people can write at your blog but not everywhere.

Check out the User Access Manager - NextGEN Gallery Extension.

Appeal: If it works click the "Works" button, if it don't works click the "Broken" button and report the issue here: http://mantis.gm-alex.de. That is the only way to find bugs and see if the plugin works proper. Thanks.

Feature list

  • User groups
  • Set separate access for readers and editors
  • Set access by user groups
  • Set access by post categories
  • User-defined post/page title (if no access)
  • User-defined post/page text (if no access)
  • Optional login form (if no access)
  • User-defined comment text (if no access)
  • Hide complete post/page
  • Hide pages in navigation
  • Redirecting users to other pages (if no access)
  • Recursive locking of posts/pages
  • Limited access to uploaded files
  • Full integrated at the admin panel
  • Multilanguage support
  • Also proteced your rss feeds
  • Give access by IP-address
  • Plugin-Api to use the User Access Manager in your on plugins or extend other plugins

Included languages

  • Czech, based on Thanks to Jan
  • Danish, based on Thanks to GeorgWP
  • English
  • Farsi, based on 1.1.2. Thanks to Hadi Mostafapour
  • French, based on Thanks to macbidule
  • German
  • Hungary, based on 1.0.2. Thanks to Zina
  • Italian. Thanks to Diego Valobra
  • Russian, based on 1.1.2. Thanks to PoleeK
  • Spanish, based on 1.1.2. Thanks to Juan Rodriguez
  • Swedish, based on 1.1. Thanks to Konsult
  • Turkish, based on 1.1.2. Thanks to Mesut Soylu
  • Polish, based on 1.2. Thanks to Piotr Kaczynski

Some language files are really old, if you are a native speaker it would be nice if you update a language file or make one for a language which is not translated jet.

For a German description visit my page at GMAlex. If you have any problem, suggestions or make a translation please visit the bug tracker http://mantis.gm-alex.de, register and report your issue. To stay up-to-date follow me on twitter: GMAlex on Twitter

Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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