> Xrispi On-Site wordpress plugin resources analysis

Xrispi On-Site wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name Xrispi On-Site
Version 1.7
Author Xrispi Labs Ltd.
Rating 100
Last updated 2015-02-17 01:58:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: -20%

Post page

Delta: -19%
Xrispi On-Site plugin has Huge impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 20%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 19%

Xrispi On-Site plugin added 578 kB of resources to the Home page and 586 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

Xrispi On-Site plugin added 8 new host(s) to the Home page and 8 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Xrispi On-Site plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Xrispi is a cool widget that enables online publishers, bloggers and readers alike to highlight important parts of content and share them instantly via social networks, emails and unique push notifications. After all who has the time to read long articles? Any visitor can choose to highlight text within an article, as well as adding his own takeaway, sharing it and ultimately grabbing the attention of wider audiences, otherwise unreached.

What are the benefits of Xrispi?

Xrispi is an instant traffic booster.

When readers on your website undergo personalized sharing, i.e., post their Xrisps from an article, that article, its author and the publication in which it is featured all become instantly viral through shares on Facebook, email, and mobile push notifications directly in their browsers (both in mobile and desktops). Your content therefore gains wider exposure through the shares of your readers who know how to tailor and market your articles to a different audience you may not have succeeded to reach otherwise.

Xrispi is a great marketing tool for editors and blog writers.

In addition to your readers who are looking to share just the content that matters to them and their friends, writers of your publication are always looking for ways to highlight key points that matter to them within their long texts. This way, readers have more than an abstract to decide whether the article in front of them is worth the read or better yet, a share.

Xrispi increases reader’s engagement time with your publication.

When readers receive content that is specifically tailored to their interests, they spend more time browsing through the specific article sent to them, as well as additional articles that are featured within your publication. This adds tremendous value to your content when wanting to work with advertisers.

Alright, so how do I get started?

It is super easy and simple! Click here

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us any time at publishers@xrispi.com


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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