Wordpress Plugin Speed Tests by Impact on Score - Page:489

24401. Private Posts Page 1.1.0 Doug Sparling 659
24402. MarkPress 0.1.2 Gaya Kessler 225
24403. Site PIN 1.3 Marcus Downing 4021
24404. Private Only 3.5.1 Kate Mag (Pixel Insert) 129648
24405. MW Auth 1.2 Takashi Kitajima 496
24406. Encrypted Blog marcusds 1150
24407. Friends Only 0.7.2 Gabriel White 8641
24408. WP-Syntax Download Extension 1.1.1 Akinori MUSHA 4010
24409. WP Require Auth 1.0.2 Johnny Chadda 7794
24410. Crypto tips 1.0 Michael Buhl 91
24411. Site Secrets 0.1 Daniel Bachhuber, Digital First Media 397
24412. Redirect to login if not logged in 1.5 Daan Kortenbach 4400
24413. www.artlebedev.ru Typograph 1.1 Stas Davydov 1584
24414. TR Register Only 1.0 TechieResource 1799
24415. WP Curtain 0.1 Hassan Akhtar 929
24416. Rukkus Concerts, Sports, and Theater Listings - Content Reader and Ticket Widget 1.21 Manick Bhan 829
24417. JW Forced Login 1.0 Jaffe 1508
24418. Padlock 2.3 Jannie Theunissen 128
24419. PHP Liquid 2.7.0 TheOnlineHero - Tom Skroza 728
24420. PressLabs Site Protection 1.0 PressLabs 476
24421. Logged in 1.0.4 Simon Fransson 7579
24422. Trusted Only 1.1 Andrey K. 2367
24423. Social Skew Bar 1.0 Rishi 1849
24424. WP Favicons plug-in 0.6.6 Edward de Leau 15367
24425. Membrane 0.0.1 ampt 334
24426. Force User Login 1.0 Mateusz Sobczak 5101
24427. FreeMyInternet 0.01 FreeMyInternet 753
24428. Relief Splash Page 1.0 Jonathan Christopher 602
24429. WP-Email-Notificator 0.2 Rafael Poveda - RaveN from Mecus.es 2104
24430. WP Killswitch 0.0.1 Steven Noble 32
24431. Feed Media Player 2.1 support@feed.fm 1291
24432. Royal PopUp Notice 1.0.1 Mehdi Akram 107
24433. S3 Video Plugin 0.983 Anthony Mills 12350
24434. WP Random Post Dater 0.9 Ash Baker 6462
24435. Audiobar 1.0.3 Carlo Capocasa 31699
24436. CENSOR ME 0.1 xenomancer 941
24437. Peers.me 0.8 Daniël Steginga 945
24438. DiaryPress 5.0 Tom Howson 2441
24439. WP-Splash-Lite 1.0.4 Jacob Slomp (JS-Systems) 375
24440. Smart Maintenance Mode 1.4.1 Brijesh Kothari 16351
24441. Wow Factor 1.0 WowFactor 157
24442. Simply JSON 0.3 zeamedia 1521
24443. Stop SOPA by Zachary 1.0 Marius Olar, Zachary Johnson 1096
24444. Cookie Consent 0.1.1 MoonRaven 922
24445. FacadeX 1.0.0 plocha 289
24446. Markets 1.0.4 rixeo 61
24447. WP Anti-Proxy 1.3 RSPublishing 757
24448. Dukagate rixeo 3583
24449. Ilusix Private WP 1.2 Sjors Roelofs 292
24450. Virtual Posts 0.2.2 Andreas Ek 385
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