BlankSlate has a global rank of 1268 and an
overall pagespeed score of 85.
BlankSlate uses
resources in total, which
kB of data.
This theme is faster than 50.97% of
other themes we have tested.
Description by publisher:
UPDATE - 4.0+ is here, completely overhauled, yet again. As always,
use caution when upgrading ( and
learn the TidyThemes concept ( →
CAUTION: If you're child theming or have clients that are child theming on top of BlankSlate (not the recommended use), please do not blindly upgrade to newer versions. →
DESCRIPTION: BlankSlate is the definitive WordPress HTML5 boilerplate starter theme. We've carefully constructed the most clean and minimalist theme available anywhere for designers/developers to use as a base/foundation to build websites for clients or to build completely custom themes from scratch to release faster. Clean, semi-minified, unformatted and valid code, SEO-friendly, no programmer comments, standardized and as white label as possible and most importantly, CSS reset for cross-browser-compatability and no intrusive visual CSS styles added whatsoever. A perfect skeleton theme that blows any others like it (the subsequent for example) completely out of the water, as they're simply too overcomplicated for what people really want in this kind of theme. Now comes with jQuery enqueued and ready to go. →
SUPPORT: Please use the
official support forum ( Comments and suggestions for improving BlankSlate, please see "
TidyThemes Sucks!" ( Just getting started?
Want to learn CSS? ( →
WHAT'S NEW?: We stripped down as much custom, extraneous, superfluous junk code as we could and greatly improved the HTML5 structure.
Chip Bennett (, a highly experienced programmer and official WordPress administrator, worked closely with us to audit the theme code for quality.
See ( just how much we've revamped things. Last, but not least, BlankSlate has now been
opened up on GitHub ( if anyone would like to make suggested code additions/improvements. Thank you for using BlankSlate.