elegantWhite wordpress theme speed test

elegantWhite screenshot
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Download Elegant Theme
Name elegantWhite
Version 1.8.6
Author max2501
Rating 20
Last updated 2014-11-24
Downloads 88498


elegantWhite has a global rank of 1021 and an overall pagespeed score of 85.
elegantWhite uses 8 resources in total, which is 129 kB of data.

This theme is faster than 60.52% of other themes we have tested.

Description by publisher:

elegantWhite is an awesome Theme for your blog. It has lots of great features like post thumbnails or custom menus in Header and Footer. Also, it is completely optimized for HIGH-RESOLUTION Displays. In addition, it contains a full-width-template and a template without heading. The theme supports two languages at the moment: English and German. elegantWhite looks beautiful on any device. It's the best theme, we've ever made. You will love it! PS: And for those loving this theme - there is also a Pro-Version (elegantWhite Pro) with even more features and a responsive layout! Visit our website to get to know more about it!

Overal Score

Desktop + Mobile

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elegantWhite theme speed test results

Home page

Tested on Desktop

Post page

Tested on Desktop

Home page

Tested on Mobile

Post page

Tested on Mobile
Total size of resources in kB (Post page)

HTML (17 kB)

CSS (22 kB)

Images (69 kB)

JavaScript (0 kB)

Other (21 kB)

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