Jolene has a global rank of 2310 and an
overall pagespeed score of 79.
Jolene uses
resources in total, which
kB of data.
This theme is faster than 10.67% of
other themes we have tested.
Description by publisher:
Jolene is a fully responsive theme with many widgets, it has 14 sidebars, 3 nav menus and 5 page templates, 2 columns/right/left/no-column layouts and custom content width. Jolene comes with 3 color schemes and custom colors (you can pick custom colors for link, h1-h6 headers, menus and sidebars). It has a responsive widget with custom options (you can use it for displaying news, posts by category, pages and custom blocks. You can customize it by selecting custom colors, font size, number of columns and image position. It has a slider mode and can be used in any sidebar with any number of slides). Jolene has a widget for displaying social media links, favicon, scroll to the top button, custom header, custom background and custom logo. You can select the size of the Featured Image by choosing from 3 variants (small, page, website), you can set a Featured Image to be shown at the top of your website as a header image. Jolene is a highly customizable theme, you can easily customize it by using WordPress default Theme Customizer at Appearance > Customize menu. WooCommerce compatible, translation ready and currently translated in Russian. You can find more info and demo at