Ridizain wordpress theme speed test

Ridizain screenshot
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Name Ridizain
Version 1.0.35
Author ZGani
Rating 98
Last updated 2015-01-20
Downloads 96103


Ridizain has a global rank of 798 and an overall pagespeed score of 86.
Ridizain uses 19 resources in total, which is 516 kB of data.

This theme is faster than 69.14% of other themes we have tested.

Description by publisher:

Ridizain is a redesigned version of the default theme Twenty Fourteen - Create a responsive magazine website with a sleek, modern design - full width and fully centred. Feature your favourite homepage content in either a grid or a slider. Use the three widget areas + the custom recent posts and the ephemera widgets to customize your website, and change your content's layout with a full-width page template and a contributor page to show off your authors. With full color control for many of the theme's elements, creating a magazine website with WordPress has never been easier. View demo at: http://demo1.ridizain.com/

Overal Score

Desktop + Mobile

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Ridizain theme speed test results

Home page

Tested on Desktop

Post page

Tested on Desktop

Home page

Tested on Mobile

Post page

Tested on Mobile
Total size of resources in kB (Post page)

HTML (28 kB)

CSS (116 kB)

Images (23 kB)

JavaScript (107 kB)

Other (242 kB)

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