Zilch wordpress theme speed test

Zilch screenshot
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Name Zilch
Version 1.1.6
Author itapplication
Rating 100
Last updated 2014-12-29
Downloads 2166


Zilch has a global rank of 735 and an overall pagespeed score of 88.
Zilch uses 10 resources in total, which is 103 kB of data.

This theme is faster than 71.58% of other themes we have tested.

Description by publisher:

Zilch means zero(0). Zilch theme is port of famous Drupal theme '0' Zilch with same name and style. Zilch is a beautiful WordPress theme for any news, magazine or blog Website. It has light and optimized code with SEO friendly structure. Zilch theme focus on usability, legibility and readability. Zilch use large text because readability is important, and small text are hard to read. Simplicity is key of theme, featuring plenty of white space, as well as a lack of superfluous elements. The typography and white space promise comfortable reading pleasure. Zilch features custom background, custom menu, post thumbnails and custom header.

Overal Score

Desktop + Mobile

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Zilch theme speed test results

Home page

Tested on Desktop

Post page

Tested on Desktop

Home page

Tested on Mobile

Post page

Tested on Mobile
Total size of resources in kB (Post page)

HTML (19 kB)

CSS (37 kB)

Images (47 kB)

JavaScript (0 kB)

Other (0 kB)

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