Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Home page/Desktop - Page:10

# Theme Title Version Author Home page/Desktop
451. Exile 1.1.4 WizardRegis 95
452. Rolas Sepuluh 1.5 sadewo 95
453. Opor Ayam 1.8 iznyn 95
454. Design Notes 1.2 alexandratong 95
455. StarOcean 1.3 hostease 95
456. Simply 1.3 infoprog 95
457. Sidon 1.4.2 hellysium 95
458. Torn 1.1 Themescapes 95
459. Food Recipe 1.3.1 genkisan 95
460. Just Kite It 1.1 ijlal 95
461. Aquasunny 1.0.2 mladenmilinovic 95
462. MyJournal Theme 1.2 flamaa 95
463. Tyson-Pro 1.0 hairtyson 95
464. BetiLu 1.8.3 95
465. InkMag 1.3.4 rohitink 95
466. Omega 1.0.8 hwijaya 94
467. Coraline 1.5 automattic 94
468. Pilcrow 1.5.1 automattic 94
469. The Thinker Lite 1.0.8 Anariel Design 94
470. Responsive Tabs 1.33 Will Brownsberger 94
471. Eco Gray 1.5.2 JustPX 94
472. fastr kanishkkunal 94
473. Ohsik 1.7.7 writegnj 94
474. Desk Mess Mirrored 2.3 cais 94
475. Side Out 0.7 94
476. WPstart 1.2.5 kruszepl 94
477. ReFresh 1.6.6 sandy786 94
478. veryplaintxt 4.6.1 94
479. Clear 1.2.5 niyazpk 94
480. Elements of SEO 1.2 drewsto 94
481. Pixel 2.0.2 volcanic 94
482. magicblue 1.2 polyxena 94
483. Connections Reloaded 3.1 Ajay 94
484. Motion 1.1.6 volcanic 94
485. Revolution Code Blue 2.0 bmg1227 94
486. Comet 1.4.2 WizardRegis 94
487. deCoder 0.9.1 webdemar 94
488. BW 5.1 HdSusanto 94
489. Ready2Launch! 1.8.3 JackuB 94
490. Simplr 4.6.1 94
491. Mumrik 1.0.4 hising 94
492. ar 3.1 obert 94
493. Oh 0.9.2 draebb 94
494. LiasBlueWorld 1.1 relias 94
495. Simplicity 0.3.35 lzs 94
496. Vista-Like 1.1 Nitallica 94
497. SafiTech 1.7 safitech 94
498. Classic 1.6 wordpressdotorg 94
499. Cloudy Night 1.7 timsainb 94
500. MxS 1.2.9 Axiu 94
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