Fastest Wordpress themes Overall

# Theme Title Version Author Overall score
1. Montezuma 1.2.4 BytesForAll 98
2. Techozoic Fluid 2.1.1 jeremyclark13 98
3. Vanilj 0.0.10 ericwenn 97
4. Clear Tranquil 1.0.1 jameskoster 96
5. Tashan 1.0.4 ZGani 95
6. LaunchPad 1.6 iandstewart 94
7. Mystyle 1.1.4 molefed 94
8. Adsticle 2.2.1 molefed 94
9. Dark Water Fall 1.2 ShaneStrong 93
10. Light and Modern 1.3 ForsakraOnline 93
11. Fragrance 1.21 wpart 93
12. Universal Web 1.6 WebMotive 93
13. Clear Line 1.0.8 vatuma 93
14. simpleindo intheamwhy 93
15. seventy 1.0 osmansorkar 93
16. PepMagazine 1.1.0 emkal 93
17. Fuzz 1.0 robertostrabelli 93
18. Gone fishing 2.0 mirkohumbert 93
19. The Common Blog 1.5.3 93
20. looming 1.0.1 molefed 93
21. Frente 1.6 orahmax 93
22. Supermodne 1.2 Supermodne 93
23. BrushedMetal 1.3 2thePoint 93
24. Foghorn 0.3 downstairsdev 93
25. zFirst 1.2.1 zwwooooo 93
26. Sunset 1.0.2 kambiz.k 93
27. Fotogram 1.01 emmakitchen 93
28. Business Casual 1.1.3 cpoteet 93
29. News Print 2.3.2 jbbrwcky 93
30. Gray White Black 1.2 getstylese 93
31. Modern Blue Style 1.7 93
32. ADSimple 1.2.1 Dimox 93
33. Photologger 1.02 emmakitchen 93
34. Panels 1.01 SarahKettle 93
35. Shiro 1.1.3 pixxels 93
36. Pool 1.1 2thePoint 93
37. Healthy WP 1.0.5 StefanRisticDev 93
38. Baza Noclegowa 2.2 Baza Noclegowa 93
39. Underline 1.0.4 wpmisc 93
40. Premium Modern Orange 1.6 93
41. Disconnected 1.3.0 sunburntkamel 93
42. Webvideo 1.0.8 molefed 93
43. haunted 1.06 RoseCitySister 93
44. Glossy Stylo 1.1.19 aliwkbg 93
45. Big City 3.1.4 AOEmedia 93
46. Reddle 1.3.1 automattic 93
47. QuickPress 1.7.2 pchere 93
48. Default 1.7.2 wordpressdotorg 93
49. Elegant Grunge 1.0.3 michaeltyson 93
50. QuickPic 1.4.3 pchere 93
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