Popular Wordpress Plugin Speed Tests - Page:589

29401. Visage oEmbed 0.1 Drew Gourley, Visage 9
29402. Forensiq Shortcode 0.1 hypedtext 9
29403. Smurfify 1.0.0 Axel Jacobs 9
29404. Hercules Sentiment Analysis 1.0.0 Todd D. Nestor - todd.nestor@gmail.com 8
29405. Omnomnom 0.1 Scott Grant 8
29406. Migrador de Link 0.1 Portal Seutec 8
29407. Ninja Forms - SendinBlue 1.0.0 Ionut Neagu 8
29408. MarketPress Australia Post 1.2 cybergeekshop 8
29409. Encryption Tools Generator 0.1 Etienne Rached 8
29410. WP Hooker 1.0.1 Innovator Digital Markets AB 8
29411. Real-Time Crowd 1.2 RealTimeCrowd.net 8
29412. SurveyLab.me Shortcode 1.1 SurveyLab 8
29413. Hein-Steam-Widget 1.0 Marc Hein 8
29414. RandomTips 1.0 Softcreepers 8
29415. SAM Donation 1.0 Chris Weissenberger 8
29416. Woo icon different address 1 Best Of Site 8
29417. BV Pantheon Migration 1.16 Akshat 8
29418. QuizPedia 1.0 quizpedia 8
29419. wp-login-logging 0.5 https://github.com/tarppa/ 8
29420. Head Last Post Section Widget 1.01 lion2486 8
29421. Hawaiian Diacritics Button 1.0.2 HIC 8
29422. Concursos TAP Alain Sanchez 8
29423. Kalimah Categories 1.0.0 Abdul Al-Hasany 8
29424. Friends For bbPress 1.0 Graeme Scott 7
29425. Guarantee Box 1.0 Jeff Bullins 7
29426. Dilmot 1.0 7
29427. iG:Custom Metaboxes 1.0 Amit Gupta 7
29428. WeHeartIt Image Embed 1.0.1 lonuongvit 7
29429. Link Contact Form 7 to opentaps CRM2 1.0 Debashis Chowdhury 7
29430. Platron for TheCartPress 1.0 Platron 7
29431. Ben’s Version Checker 1.0.0 Ben Alderson 7
29432. OkConfirm 1.0 Andrew Kessler 7
29433. FirstH3TagAdsense 1.0 Minoru Wada 7
29434. Send to Statsd 1.0.0 Cyrus David 6
29435. MZ Nav Games 1.0 mZoo.org 6
29436. GX IT TEAM TESTIMONIALS 1.0 Eucimar Raposo 6
29437. CampTix TrustPay Payment Gateway 1.0.4 Webikon (Ján Bo?ínec) 6
29438. CampTix TrustCard Payment Gateway 1.0.4 Webikon (Ján Bo?ínec) 6
29439. SINM Nice Tab 1.0 Md. Abdullah 6
29440. Surbma - Recent Comments Shortcode 1.0.0 Surbma 6
29441. Soldi Pubblici 0.2 Marco Milesi 6
29442. MouseStats Tracking Script 0.6 MouseStats 6
29443. Oh my prints 1.0 Gerhard Hoogterp 6
29444. Lubuntu sidebar lite 0.1 Ċ½eljko Popivoda 6
29445. Prensalista Platform Manager 1.0.0 Prensalista 5
29446. DeMomentSomTres DEBUG 5
29447. qComment 1.0 Vladimir Statsenko 5
29448. JigoshopAtos 1.3 πR 5
29449. Chatup.io 1.1 Justin MacArthur 5
29450. Eetheart Functions 1.0 Robert Eetheart 5
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