Popular Wordpress Plugin Speed Tests - Page:2

51. Add Link to Facebook 1.215 Marcel Bokhorst 1713494
52. Page Links To 2.9.5 Mark Jaquith 1645310
53. GTranslate 1.0.38 Edvard Ananyan 1627894
54. WP-Optimize Ruhani Rabin 1611458
55. Subscribe2 10.18.4 Matthew Robinson, Tanay Lakhani 1610385
56. WP Maintenance Mode 2.0.3 Designmodo 1605695
57. NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster 3.4.12 Next Scripts 1589732
58. SEO Ultimate SEO Design Solutions 1582021
59. BackUpWordPress 3.1.4 Human Made Limited 1540343
60. Acunetix WP Security 4.0.5 Acunetix 1534165
61. BulletProof Security .51.7 AITpro | Edward Alexander 1485556
62. Xhanch - My Twitter 2.7.8 Susanto BSc (Xhanch Studio) 1467039
63. SEO Friendly Images 3.0.5 Vladimir Prelovac 1459017
64. The Events Calendar 3.9.1 Modern Tribe, Inc. 1457848
65. WP-PostViews 1.69 Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan 1457182
66. Simple Tags 2.4 Amaury BALMER 1447527
67. Shareaholic | share buttons, related posts, social analytics & more Shareaholic 1422136
68. Viper's Video Quicktags 6.5.2 Viper007Bond 1413576
69. Black Studio TinyMCE Widget 2.2.3 Black Studio 1412281
70. Contact Form DB 2.8.33 Michael Simpson 1400953
71. Page Builder by SiteOrigin 2.0.7 SiteOrigin 1387283
72. qTranslate 2.5.39 Qian Qin 1382819
73. Disable Comments 1.2 Samir Shah 1375186
74. Image Widget 4.1 Modern Tribe, Inc. 1366684
75. WP Slimstat 3.9.8 Camu 1364035
76. NextGEN Facebook - Advanced Social SEO for Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter & More 7.8.3 Jean-Sebastien Morisset 1361922
77. Newsletter 3.6.8 Stefano Lissa 1354082
78. WP-DBManager 2.75 Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan 1348840
79. Social Media Widget 4.0.2 Blink Web Effects 1340813
80. WordPress Related Posts 3.5.4 Zemanta Ltd. 1334034
81. WP Multibyte Patch 2.2 Seisuke Kuraishi 1319692
82. WP Photo Album Plus 5.5.3 J.N. Breetvelt a.k.a. OpaJaap 1244666
83. Lightbox Plus Colorbox 2.7 Dan Zappone 1241021
84. ManageWP Worker 4.0.9 ManageWP 1234559
85. Grand Flagallery - Photo Gallery Plugin 4.30 Rattus 1202219
86. Shortcodes Ultimate 4.9.3 Vladimir Anokhin 1199903
87. WP Smush.it 1.7 WPMU DEV 1197811
88. Twitter Tools 3.1 Crowd Favorite 1180464
89. Duplicator 0.5.12 LifeInTheGrid 1179538
90. Google Analytics 1.0.6 Kevin Sylvestre 1168943
91. Gallery 4.2.8 BestWebSoft 1155366
92. WP-PostRatings 1.80 Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan 1138913
93. MailChimp for WordPress 2.2.7 Danny van Kooten 1118154
94. WordPress Social Sharing Optimization - Improves Shared Content on Social Websites 2.8.3 Jean-Sebastien Morisset 1105364
95. WP Statistics 8.8.1 Mostafa Soufi & Greg Ross 1077358
96. Quick Cache (Speed Without Compromise) 150129.2 s2Member® / WebSharks, Inc. 1077182
97. Events Manager 5.5.5 Marcus Sykes 1069694
98. Really Simple Share 4.0 Dabelon, tanaylakhani 1061991
99. Acunetix Secure WordPress 3.0.3 Acunetix 1049717
100. Ultimate Coming Soon Page 1.13.0 SeedProd 1042608
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