Popular Wordpress Plugin Speed Tests - Page:5

201. Print Friendly and PDF Button 3.3.9 Print Friendly 574651
202. nrelate Related Content 1.4.0 nrelate and SlipFire 571291
203. Simple Page Ordering 2.2.4 Jake Goldman, 10up 565811
204. Exploit Scanner 1.4 Donncha O Caoimh 560205
205. WP125 1.5.3 Matt Harzewski (redwall_hp) 558766
206. Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps (with sitemapindex, multi-site and Google News sitemap support) 1.3.1 Khang Minh 557174
207. Wordpress Video Plugin 0.759 Oliver Wunder 551292
208. Theme Check 20141222.1 Pross, Otto42 550981
209. Easy Digital Downloads 2.2.8 Pippin Williamson 545215
210. WP Retina 2x 3.1.0 Jordy Meow 544685
211. Video Thumbnails 2.12 Sutherland Boswell 543384
212. Google Analytics Dashboard 2.1.1 Team Yoast & Carson McDonald 542713
213. Link Library 5.9.4 Yannick Lefebvre 542580
214. Facebook Like Box Widget 2.7 Sunento Agustiar Wu 542216
215. Editorial Calendar 3.4 Colin Vernon, Justin Evans, Joachim Kudish, Mary Vogt, and Zack Grossbart 536834
216. Quick Adsense 1.9.2 Quicksense 529739
217. Custom Login 3.2 Austin Passy 527988
218. YITH WooCommerce Wishlist 2.0.4 Yithemes 526085
219. MediaElement.js - HTML5 Video & Audio Player 2.10.3 John Dyer 525759
220. Adminimize 1.8.4 Frank Bültge 520935
221. Display Widgets 2.03 Strategy11 514810
222. OptionTree 2.5.1 Derek Herman 512996
223. Hello Dolly 1.6 Matt Mullenweg 512199
224. WP-UserOnline 2.85 Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan 510716
225. Shadowbox JS Matt Martz 505144
226. WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam WP-SpamFree 504181
227. Easy Plugin for AdSense 7.61 Manoj Thulasidas 499806
228. SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2 1.535 Purwedi Kurniawan 492924
229. IntenseDebate Comments 2.9.5 IntenseDebate & Automattic 492478
230. Polylang 1.6.5 Frédéric Demarle 491699
231. WP FollowMe 2.0.8 wpBurn.com 489851
232. FD Feedburner Plugin 1.46 John Watson 489657
233. Google Maps Widget 2.30 Web factory Ltd 485262
234. Get the Image 1.0.1 Justin Tadlock 484945
235. My Calendar 2.3.25 Joseph C Dolson 484600
236. Add Meta Tags 2.7.1 George Notaras 483136
237. Tribulant Slideshow Gallery 1.5.3 Tribulant Software 477951
238. Visual Form Builder 2.8.1 Matthew Muro 473121
239. My Category Order 3.3.2 Andrew Charlton 468064
240. Count per Day 3.4 Tom Braider 467925
241. Custom Facebook Feed 2.3.1 Smash Balloon 463678
242. WP-Print 2.55 Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan 462461
243. Responsive Lightbox by dFactory 1.4.10 dFactory 462096
244. Smooth Slider 2.6.5 SliderVilla 461316
245. Chartbeat 2.0.4 Chartbeat 460537
246. Revive Old Post (Former Tweet Old Post) 7.0.1 ThemeIsle 459398
247. Dynamic Widgets 1.5.9 Qurl 458990
248. Facebook Comments for WordPress 3.1.3 we8u 456292
249. Responsive WordPress Slider - Soliloquy Lite 2.2.3 Thomas Griffin 455675
250. PHP Code Widget 2.2 Otto 453973
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