Themes speed test results by Theme Title - Page:2

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
51. Adventure Journal 1.7.2 Veraxus 88
52. Adventurous 1.5 catchthemes 91
53. Advertica Lite 1.0.6 tikendramaitry 89
54. Aestival 2.2 koordinante 95
55. agency 1.2.8 manish_gori 85
56. Aggiornare 1.0.5 geekdesigngirl 93
57. Ahimsa 3.2 ravisarma 87
58. Aileron 1.0.3 themecot 90
59. Air Balloon Lite 1.0.1 ThemeZee 89
60. Airmail - par Avion 0.6 johnnye 90
61. Akasse 1.0.3 KennethP 91
62. Akyuz 1.1.18 selimakyuz 91
63. Albar 1.6.0 Kaira 89
64. AlbinoMouse 2.1.2 pixelstrolch 89
65. Albizia 1.4.2 itxitx 90
66. Aldehyde 1.0.9 rohitink 90
67. Alétheia 1.0.2 andrezrv 64
68. Alexandria 2.2.4 tskk 86
69. Alexis 1.4.0 yansusanto 91
70. Alhena Lite 1.0.8 alexvtn 91
71. alibi 1.2 polyxena 93
72. alibi3col 1.7 themocracy 93
73. Alice 1.0.1 BlogSynthesis 91
74. Alizee 1.04 athemes 81
75. Alkalia 1.0.5 Markus_Wolf 84
76. Alkane 0.1 wpalkane 89
77. Alkimia 1.1.1 nicelab 90
78. Alkivia Chameleon 2.3 Txanny 91
79. Alleria 1.3.6 ChainKiller 91
80. Allmed 1.5 molefed 91
81. Allure Real Estate Theme for Placester 0.1.1 Placester 91
82. Almanac 1.1.6 vivathemes 91
83. Almasi 1.0.2 ZGani 89
84. Alpha 0.2.3 hwijaya 91
85. Alpha Forte 1.0.2 Alpha WP Themes 88
86. Alpha Lite 1.0.5 dewanemutunga 91
87. Alpha Nexus 1.0.2 Alpha WP Themes 91
88. Alpha Source 1.0.2 Alpha WP Themes 91
89. Alpha Trinity 1.0.2 Alpha WP Themes 91
90. Altitude Lite cyberchimps 90
91. AmberGreen 1.08 Factory42 93
92. Ambling Bellows 0.1.1 trsenna 89
93. Ambrosia 1.1.5 Tsevdos 89
94. Amdhas 0.1.9 amdhas 90
95. Amerifecta 1.0.2 pixelhandler 88
96. Amora 1.1.1 divjotsingh_440 86
97. Amphion Lite 1.8 tislam100 88
98. an ordinary theme 2.5 fabian.schmid 92
99. Analytical Lite 1.0.15 tikendramaitry 88
100. Anand 1.2 saumendra 93
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