Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Home page/Desktop - Page:43

# Theme Title Version Author Home page/Desktop
2101. bluesip 1.3.5 mkhuda 89
2102. Oriental Writing 1.0.3 dodo 89
2103. Haunted House 1.0.5 Halloween Blog 89
2104. Cafe 1.5 bestwebsoft 89
2105. PhotoSmyth 1.0.1 tskk 89
2106. Nest 1.1.7 ychongsaytc 89
2107. Bron 1.0.2 tskk 89
2108. Nu White 1.0.7 mkhuda 89
2109. Terminally 2.0.0 hellweaver666 89
2110. Eden Fresh 1.0.3 codename065 89
2111. Tagebuch htmlkombinat 89
2112. Spirit 1.1 sixhours 89
2113. Witcher World 2.10 gotic 89
2114. WP ParaStrap 1.0.7 ZGani 89
2115. Organik 1.0.2 Organicsoft 89
2116. Keiran 1.1.1 pixxels 89
2117. Paper3 1.3.8 zxdong262 89
2118. ChristmasPress 2.1 monkeymays 89
2119. Buddymatic wpmuguru 89
2120. Corporate 1.4.1 oripearl 89
2121. Amerifecta 1.0.2 pixelhandler 89
2122. Dark Side 1.0.3 helldesign 89
2123. KwikLoad 1.1.3 cooldude5757 89
2124. Lenora 1.0.1 pixxels 89
2125. Carbonize 1.0.7 nischalmaniar 89
2126. SuperSlick 1.337 Emrico1 89
2127. PulsePress 1.3.13 enej 89
2128. A 3.2 Aruz 89
2129. Witcher Mind 2.08 gotic 89
2130. Auto Dezmembrari 1.2.8 costiasi 89
2131. Breathe 2.1 PaulCracknell 89
2132. M 4.2 Aruz 89
2133. E 4.2 Aruz 89
2134. Lime Radiance 1.1 mujtaba91 89
2135. Son of Blue 4.0 hixsonb 89
2136. Holistic Teahouse 1.3 RebeccaRing 89
2137. GreenTweet_Extend 2.5 john_wdl 89
2138. BlueFantasy 1.3 hostease 89
2139. iCandy 1.4 nischalmaniar 89
2140. Sandfish 1.1.1 dhoppe 89
2141. WPlatformer 1.0.6 bputopiannet 89
2142. John Loan Pro 1.0.3 johnloan 89
2143. Christmas 2008 1.0.2 dotstar 89
2144. Gears and Wood 1.2 CodeAndReload 89
2145. cssfever 1.2 zxdong262 89
2146. Jempol 1.1 HdSusanto 89
2147. Reposter 1.9 bestwebsoft 89
2148. Travelify 2.3.0 silkalns 88
2149. Simply Read 2.0 wpsimplyread 88
2150. Momentous Lite 1.0.3 ThemeZee 88
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