Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Post page/Desktop - Page:48

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
2351. Corpbiz priyanshu.mittal 85
2352. Sensitive 1.2.6 codename065 85
2353. Themia Lite 1.4.0 85
2354. Anderson Lite 1.0.8 ThemeZee 85
2355. Mansar 1.2.2 webloggerz 85
2356. SunRain 1.3.7 d5creation 85
2357. WP Barrister 1.0.7 wpdevshed 85
2358. Church 0.6.1 hwijaya 85
2359. Appointment 1.5 priyanshu.mittal 85
2360. MiniMagazine 1.1 codeinwp 85
2361. IH Photographer 0.99 rohitink 85
2362. WP Jurist 1.0.6 wpdevshed 85
2363. Kirumo 0.3 johnregan3 85
2364. Nerocity 0.0.7 mythemes 85
2365. Expert 1.0.13 webdorado 85
2366. Traffica 1.0.8 85
2367. Minnow 1.0.3 automattic 85
2368. Independent Publisher 1.6 raamdev 85
2369. Noteworthy 1.2.2 wpthemesnz 85
2370. The Newswire 1.0.7 wpdevshed 85
2371. Golden Eagle Lite 1.7 PankajAgarwal 85
2372. WP Advocate 1.0.8 wpdevshed 85
2373. Sublime Press 1.1.2 amplifiii 85
2374. Heavenly 1.2.0 codename065 85
2375. Business Guru 1.4 templategraphy 85
2376. Kiyomizu 1.1 hideokamoto 85
2377. Jaguza 1.2.4 kakomap 85
2378. PinBlue 1.2.5 charlescoxhead 85
2379. Hostmarks 1.2 hostmarks 85
2380. WriterStrap 1.0.6 basantakumar 85
2381. office 1.2.3 manish_gori 85
2382. Avoca 1.0.1 tskk 85
2383. Hapy 1.0.7 imon Hasan 85
2384. Regalway 1.0.3 85
2385. Smile 1.0.4 stephencottontail 85
2386. my wooden under construction 2.0.7 mythemes 85
2387. my contrastica under construction 2.0.13 mythemes 85
2388. my zebra 2.0.6 mythemes 85
2389. Eden Fresh 1.0.3 codename065 85
2390. Figure/Ground 1.0.1 celloexpressions 85
2391. CW Red 1.2 createwebsites 85
2392. my way 2.0.15 mythemes 85
2393. WP Eden 1.6.8 codename065 85
2394. Dark Wood 1.9 nischalmaniar 85
2395. The Scenery 0.93 85
2396. Theme laTobi II 1.0.8 latobi 85
2397. FIRST LEGO League (Official) 1.0.7 jingman 85
2398. Silver Dreams 1.4 mujtaba91 85
2399. Tundra Theme 1.2.5. poeter 85
2400. Wordsmith Blog .4.1 Adazing 85
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