Themes speed test results by Theme Author - Page:48

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
2351. Expert 1.0.13 webdorado 85
2352. Responsivo 1.0.5 webempresa 91
2353. Enigma 1.8.3 weblizar 90
2354. Weblizar 1.9 weblizar 80
2355. Greenigma 1.4 weblizar 90
2356. Green-Lantern 1.3.5 weblizar 80
2357. weblizar-brown 0.9 weblizar 79
2358. Guardian 1.8.3 weblizar 90
2359. D-lite 1.2 weblizar 90
2360. the espresso 1.1 weblizar 79
2361. cerise 1.1 weblizar 79
2362. Mansar 1.2.2 webloggerz 85
2363. Jovial 1.4.5 webloggerz 86
2364. Lustrous 1.3.1 webloggerz 86
2365. Modern Blue Style 1.7 95
2366. Auberge 1.2.5 webmandesign 85
2367. Modern 1.1.5 webmandesign 84
2368. Mustang Lite 1.2.7 webmandesign 89
2369. Spooky 1.04 webmatter 94
2370. Universal Web 1.6 WebMotive 95
2371. FlatOn 1.1.4 webulous 89
2372. Abaris 1.1.8 webulous 82
2373. Boxy 1.0.9 webulous 89
2374. Greenr 1.0.5 webulous 91
2375. activetab 2.2 webvitaly 81
2376. Inception 1.0.3 WebYatri 91
2377. WEAVr 1.1.0 welshhuw 91
2378. 2013 Black and white 1.0 whiletrue 91
2379. So Fresh... 0.5.2 whyisjake 95
2380. Icy 1.0.7 WildWebLab 90
2381. Mosaic 1.7.1 WildWebLab 91
2382. Responsive Tabs 1.33 Will Brownsberger 90
2383. Wishbone 1.03 wishypw 90
2384. Comet 1.4.2 WizardRegis 92
2385. Renegade 2.1.2 WizardRegis 91
2386. Tribune 1.1.1 WizardRegis 93
2387. Artemis 1.1.4 WizardRegis 92
2388. Exile 1.1.4 WizardRegis 94
2389. Flatty 1.1.3 wizard_clp 87
2390. Wordstrap 1.8.1 wizard_clp 90
2391. WiziApp - Smooth Touch 1.0.7 wiziapp 88
2392. Corsa 1.2 woorockets 87
2393. Storefront 1.3.0 woothemes 94
2394. Boutique 1.0.0 woothemes 90
2395. Houston 1.3.0 woothemes 88
2396. Retina 0.3 wordpress32 91
2397. Twenty Twelve 1.6 wordpressdotorg 91
2398. Twenty Fourteen 1.3 wordpressdotorg 91
2399. Twenty Thirteen 1.4 wordpressdotorg 91
2400. Twenty Eleven 2.0 wordpressdotorg 95
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