Themes speed test results by Theme Author - Page:47

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
2301. Adventure Journal 1.7.2 Veraxus 88
2302. P2 Categories 1.5 versluis 89
2303. Wordsmith 0.1.2 victor-sarabia 93
2304. Potala 0.67 vicx 93
2305. VRYN Restaurant 1.8 vijayrajesh 74
2306. Style 59 3.2 vijayrajesh 89
2307. Monospace 1.91 viniciusmassuchetto 91
2308. Xodogo vinoth06 89
2309. Anjirai 0.0.1 vinothg 91
2310. Noir 1.2 Vistory 93
2311. Vivacity 1.5 vivacityinfotech.jaipur 91
2312. University 1.0.3 vivathemes 86
2313. Almanac 1.1.6 vivathemes 91
2314. Minimaliste 3.0.4 vivathemes 91
2315. Rewind 1.0.5 vivathemes 91
2316. Pantheon 2.0.2 vivathemes 91
2317. Avrora 1.4 vjanya 91
2318. Indigos 1.1.8 vjanya 90
2319. Orangi 1.1.7 vjanya 89
2320. P3 1.1.4 vlad.vesa 86
2321. Chef 1.02 vladff 90
2322. Roda 1.03 vladff 89
2323. Dublin 1.04 vladff 89
2324. Crangasi 1.03 vladff 89
2325. Blue River 1.0.1 vld7 89
2326. Pixel 2.0.2 volcanic 93
2327. Motion 1.1.6 volcanic 93
2328. Black Splat WR 1.8 volcanic 95
2329. Simpleo 2.0.2 vpthemes 89
2330. Terrifico 1.7.6 vpthemes 90
2331. Apprise vpthemes 89
2332. Felicity 1.0.7 vpthemes 91
2333. Rhyme 1.0.4 vpthemes 89
2334. Firmness 1.0.4 vpthemes 89
2335. MiniWP 1.2 vvcime 95
2336. Profession 1.4 w3creatives 87
2337. Shades of Gray 1.4.2 w3wizard 95
2338. BlueFreedom 1.0 w3wizard 95
2339. The Go Green Theme 1.3.2 wavelength 89
2340. Sliding Door 3.0.9 wayneconnor 91
2341. Picture Perfect 1.3.3 wayneconnor 91
2342. Simplistic 1.10 Web XtC 95
2343. Premium Modern Orange 1.6 95
2344. Trendy 1.4 webblana 94
2345. deCoder 0.9.1 webdemar 93
2346. Fanoe 1.4.3 Webdesign Florian Brinkmann 89
2347. Exclusive 1.0.24 webdorado 90
2348. News Magazine 1.0.8 webdorado 90
2349. Wedding Style 1.0.6 webdorado 70
2350. Weddings 1.0.3 webdorado 90
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