Themes speed test results by Theme Author - Page:9

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
401. Blue Lines 1.1 cnhk_systems 89
402. Ease 0.7.2 cnhk_systems 91
403. Gears and Wood 1.2 CodeAndReload 87
404. Zerif Lite 1.4.7 codeinwp 89
405. Metro CreativeX 1.2.7 codeinwp 91
406. Lawyeria Lite 1.0.8 codeinwp 90
407. Constructzine Lite 1.3.0 codeinwp 90
408. CWP-YouIT 1.2.1 codeinwp 88
409. MiniMagazine 1.1 codeinwp 85
410. Reviewgine Affiliate 1.2 codeinwp 61
411. CW Business Lite 1.3.1 codeinwp 89
412. CW Magazine 1.1.5 codeinwp 87
413. Ready Review 2.9.2 codeinwp 91
414. Zifer Child 1.0.3 codeinwp 90
415. CWP MegaResponsive 1.1 codeinwp 90
416. Book Rev Lite 1.5.9 codeinwp 89
417. PlumBelt Lite 1.2.5 codeinwp 79
418. CreativeMag 2.0 codeinwp 88
419. VertiMagazine 1.2 codeinwp 92
420. MiniMag 1.0.8 codeinwp 89
421. CWP Robi 1.1.1 codeinwp 90
422. Sensitive 1.2.6 codename065 85
423. MultiPurpose 1.2.0 codename065 84
424. Heavenly 1.2.0 codename065 85
425. News Flash 1.1.0 codename065 88
426. Ice Fresh 1.0.0 codename065 87
427. Eden Fresh 1.0.3 codename065 85
428. WP Eden 1.6.8 codename065 85
429. Food and Diet 1.0.6 codepeople 91
430. CodePeople-Light 1.0.11 codepeople 89
431. Howard Simple 1.4 codesipper 89
432. Corgi Love 1.11 codiceebella 95
433. Everal 1.0.6 Cohhe 88
434. Suzzy - Blue 2.3 collisiondurythme 95
435. sksdev contact4sajid 82
436. KwikLoad 1.1.3 cooldude5757 87
437. Cordobo Green Park 2 0.9.502 Cordobo 95
438. Auto Dezmembrari 1.2.8 costiasi 88
439. Business Casual 1.1.3 cpoteet 95
440. Intuition 1.2.1 cpo_themes 90
441. CW Red 1.2 createwebsites 85
442. ItalicSmile ;) 1.2 creativeslice 89
443. Valentine 1.4 cremol 89
444. Annina 1.2.2 CrestaProject 91
445. Storto 1.3.1 CrestaProject 91
446. Zenzero 1.2.1 CrestaProject 89
447. Semplicemente 1.5 CrestaProject 91
448. Red Shadow 2.00 Cristian Nistor 90
449. Water Lily 1.4 crondeau 89
450. Bold Headline 1.3.3 crondeau 89
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