Themes speed test results by Theme Downloads - Page:43

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
2101. Deep Sea 1.2 obert 89
2102. Slipstream 1.1.7 themelab 91
2103. BirdMAGAZINE 1.02 sysbird 89
2104. JBST Masonary 1.0.4 bassjobsen 89
2105. meta_s2 1.0.4 ryancowles 94
2106. Polka Dots 1.2 fyrewurks 93
2107. Divine 1.2 csthemes 91
2108. Grayscales 1.3 bhadaway 95
2109. Oxydo 0.5.8 runspect 93
2110. Noise 1.1.2 fermindorado 95
2111. Altitude Lite cyberchimps 90
2112. ArtCity 1.0 senlin 91
2113. arwebstudio 2.5 obert 89
2114. Sense 1.0.3 scui2 89
2115. OMG 2.8 wpdevshed 88
2116. Indigos 1.1.8 vjanya 90
2117. Woodpecker 1.8 87
2118. Dancing In The Moonlight 1.0.0 greenshady 90
2119. Clean Blue 2.0.2 hugege 93
2120. Healthy WP 1.0.5 StefanRisticDev 95
2121. pl00 2.0.1 jayacosta 91
2122. y2k 3.17.3 milo317 91
2123. Responsivo 1.0.5 webempresa 91
2124. Tikva 0.1.8 geschke 89
2125. School 1.4.3 alexitsios 88
2126. Quadra 1.0.2 automattic 91
2127. Preferential Lite 1.0.4 GeJay 87
2128. The Enhancing Spring (TES) 1.51 awflasher 89
2129. Artblog 1.3.4 simonhans 95
2130. Xodogo vinoth06 89
2131. Linia Magazine 1.1.0 simpleux 86
2132. I Heart PC 1.01 iheartpc 95
2133. Tweaker5 1.2 ArnoldGoodway 87
2134. CW Business Lite 1.3.1 codeinwp 89
2135. Tweaker 1.0.2 Lyndi 92
2136. SimpleGray 1.2 hostease 95
2137. WP CentriK 1.0.5 ZGani 90
2138. WP News Stream 1.4.3 hostmarks 90
2139. Copper 1.0.3 hoosoft 89
2140. Kubrick 2014 1.0.8 johnwilsonuk 92
2141. PlainMagic 0.3 r.t 92
2142. BizVektor Global Edition 1.1.0 kurudrive 89
2143. Simple and Clean 1.0.4 organizedthemes 92
2144. Premium Photography 2.0.1 fasterthemes 87
2145. 2013 Blue Sequence 1.0.9 Joen 91
2146. Floki 2.6 extendyourweb 88
2147. Faber 1.3 wpbox 91
2148. Nulis 2.0.1 supakunza 86
2149. MiniMag 1.0.8 codeinwp 89
2150. White Boxes 1.0.2 oguzhanbugus 95
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