Themes speed test results by Theme Downloads - Page:44

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
2151. Developer 2014 1.01 designpromote 89
2152. Sepia 1.0.0 arnoldg 95
2153. Bikaner 3.0.1 devcorn 88
2154. Phat 2.2 bestwebsoft 90
2155. Blue Lines 1.1 cnhk_systems 89
2156. Veal 0.94 rohitink 83
2157. Connex 1.0.3 tskk 87
2158. Archy 1.6 bestwebsoft 89
2159. Bootpress 1.3 sunnyverma1984 89
2160. Business Directory 1.1.2 90
2161. Minimalistic 0.3 deambulando 93
2162. Nouveau Riche 1.3.3 Fortisthemes 88
2163. Baseshine 1.0.2 salsaturation 90
2164. Hashi 1.1.5 Owoc 94
2165. Codium Now 1.0.6 riri23 88
2166. me3 1.0.1 patembe 90
2167. WP386 1.1 keita_kobayashi 89
2168. Softly 1.4 Leecook 91
2169. WP Bats Theme 1.2 myochauhtun 91
2170. Freizeitler NonPurista 1.50 RottenRoller 89
2171. Sensilla 1.1 csthemes 91
2172. MyBlogsTheme 1.6 abhik03 94
2173. Perkins 1.0.2 wpmultiverse 91
2174. Clean-and-plain 1.0.6 mentor_01 95
2175. Railgun 1.3.1 design311 89
2176. P2 Categories 1.5 versluis 89
2177. Planc 1.0.1 tskk 88
2178. Green Garden 1.5 bestwebsoft 50
2179. Corsa 1.2 woorockets 87
2180. Nerocity 0.0.7 mythemes 85
2181. Counsel 1.0.2 mudthemes 89
2182. A 3.2 Aruz 89
2183. Twiggy 1.0.0 greenshady 89
2184. Medics 1.4 fasterthemes 91
2185. White Xmas 1.4 poena 89
2186. Gray Chalk 2.0 BusyMomiBee 88
2187. University 1.0.3 vivathemes 86
2188. Blueskool 1.2.1 50psi 93
2189. Tembesi 1.0 jauhari 91
2190. Ruby the Diamond 1.4.4 loveruby1028 95
2191. The Content Blue 1.1 AndrewSpeaksOut 95
2192. Sparkles Nursery 1.08 designpromote 91
2193. sonoichi 1.1.1 ichi67 89
2194. Carrot Lite 1.5.2 MichalPawelczyk 91
2195. MultiColors 2.3 Guido07111975 91
2196. Tiki Time 1.3 fyrewurks 93
2197. Edu Blue 1.1.0 87
2198. Life Is Good 1.0.6 klosi 89
2199. Cafe 1.5 bestwebsoft 88
2200. Clean Content 1.2.2 janhenckens 95
Random Tests
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