Fastest Wordpress themes Overall

# Theme Title Version Author Overall score
2001. Stork 1.4 justgoodthemes 82
2002. Fighter 2.0.4 sahip 82
2003. Bron 1.0.2 tskk 82
2004. Cleanr 0.2.2 nhuja 82
2005. tanzaku 1.1.1 triple_ships 82
2006. The Final Frontier 1.04 PMLuther 82
2007. Kore 1.2 khaxan 82
2008. Neutica 1.0.9 allancole 82
2009. SimpleDark 1.2.11 Justice360 82
2010. Vina 1.3.1 jauhari 82
2011. Content 1.0.7 obert 82
2012. ItalicSmile ;) 1.2 creativeslice 82
2013. Olivia 0.9.5 markyis_cool 82
2014. Wordousel Lite 1.2 dremeda 82
2015. Victoriana 1.0.2 jbbrwcky 82
2016. The Enhancing Spring (TES) 1.51 awflasher 82
2017. Elegant Glass 1.1 RebeccaRing 82
2018. Alkalia 1.0.5 Markus_Wolf 82
2019. inBlu 1.0.8 obert 82
2020. Written 1.0.7 obert 82
2021. Virtue 2.4.1 britner 82
2022. Dynamic News Lite 1.1.1 ThemeZee 82
2023. Travelify 2.3.0 silkalns 82
2024. Yoko 1.2.1 elmastudio 82
2025. Custom Community 2.0.24 svenl77 82
2026. Writr 1.2.1 automattic 82
2027. NewMedia 1.1.1 gamerpotion 82
2028. RestImpo 1.4.3 tomastoman 82
2029. Adamos 2.1 danstriker 82
2030. Mansar 1.2.2 webloggerz 82
2031. Business lite 4.0.68 cyberchimps 82
2032. Striker 2.1 danstriker 82
2033. Reviewgine Affiliate 1.2 codeinwp 82
2034. zeeDynamic 1.0.4 ThemeZee 82
2035. DMS 1.1.1 arpowers 82
2036. NewsMag 1.0.7 burakkaptan 82
2037. Photo Book 1.0.6 molefed 82
2038. Searchlight 1.6 d5creation 82
2039. Elisium 1.5 moeseo 82
2040. D-lite 1.2 weblizar 82
2041. Mountain Creek 1.0.8 Gorilla Themes 82
2042. Hazen 2.4.39 tskk 82
2043. Dublin 1.04 vladff 82
2044. boot_Strap 1.0.10 rezaurc 82
2045. Origami Evergreen 1.0 gpriday 82
2046. Tikva 0.1.8 geschke 82
2047. Houston 1.3.0 woothemes 82
2048. NewLife 1.9 bestwebsoft 82
2049. Babylog 2.1 sixhours 82
2050. Accessible Zen 1.1.3 davidakennedy 82
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