Wordpress Plugin Speed Tests by Impact on Score - Page:6

251. Feedgeorge Augmented Reality Plugin C H Foo 1016
252. jQuery Notebook 1.0 Bineet Kumar Chaubey 3389
253. Posts on a map 1.1 Jean Caffou 501
254. Hail Reports Heatmap 1.0.1 Interactive Hail Maps 281
255. Google Maps made Simple 0.6 Matthew Schwartz 92657
256. Wordpress Related Video Search 1.1 Jodacame 3711
257. Google map Direction Version Number 2.0 Mitesh Shah 3733
258. WP Grande Plugin 1.1.0 WP Grande Plugin 4429
259. WP Comments Google Map for Posts 1.0 Alex Rayan & Kaysten Mazerino 1830
260. eBible 1.1 eBible.com 1563
261. simpleGeocode 1.0 Matthew Rosenberg 359
262. Slide Div 1.2 Cavimaster 3764
263. Socials Sidebar 1.5 Podz 659
264. Sharing is Caring 1.4.3 Michael Beacom 12702
265. FourSquareAPI 2.0.6 the Guru 4049
266. googlemapsForWP 6.1 webcat 2109
267. Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers 1.0 soundwaves-productions 7217
268. KYC and AML User Identity Verification for Australia 2.1 Identity Verification Services 20
269. FareHarbor Reservation Calendars 1.0 FareHarbor 607
270. Coop-Members (? ???) 1.0.3 Bryan Lee 88
271. iLen Video Locker 2.8 iLen 3267
272. Tabs Ultimate 1.0 Jeff Bullins 51
273. Optima Express IDX Plugin 2.5.1 ihomefinder 26588
274. WebEmailProtector 1.2.1 David Srodzinski 2532
275. Warna Rainbow 1.0 Warna? 9
276. ZipList Recipe Plugin 3.1 ZipList.com 49801
277. SmartBroker 6.1.4 Nick Roberts 1145
278. Simplified Social Sharing 2.7.1 LoginRadius Team 81060
279. VCAT EDULABS Posts at Google Maps 1.5.2 VCAT Consulting GmbH (Nico Danneberg, Robin Kramer, Melanie Sommer) 508
280. Custom Baidu Maps 1.0 Digital Creative 1496
281. Add Twitter, Facebook Like, Google plus one Social share 2.4.3 Kunal Chichkar 356915
282. IDX Broker Wordpress Plugin 1.1.5 IDX Broker 17353
283. Kingkongcart(????) 0.8.0 Bryan Lee 789
284. Ultimate Social Media and Share Icons UltimatelySocial 95351
285. SmartPost Templates 2.3.8 RafiLabs 846
286. CSS Regions polyfill 1.0.1 Ramoonus 356
287. Arty Popup 1.1 Enigma Plugins 16765
288. Facebook Friend Inviter 1.5 akshitsethi 1682
289. Google Webfont Optimizer 0.2.1 Sigurdur Gudbrandsson 395
290. Simple Code Highlighter 1.0 Kedinn Turpo 339
291. Curiyo Links 1.3.1 Curiyo 456
292. Secure Content 1.0.0 Ajanth R 203
293. Social Share Buttons 1.0 Sayful Islam 6044
294. World of Warcraft - Armory Table 0.3.2 Alexander Siemer-Schmetzke 2099
295. Social PopUP - Deprecated Damian Logghe 64686
296. ULTIMATE TABLES 1.3 extendyourweb.com 53236
297. Bitcoin News Feed Widget 1.0.9 Ofir Beigel 1044
298. SetMore Appointments 2.0 Anand Thiyagarasu of SetMore Appointments 4822
299. Scan-to-Login 2.1.201 zap-group 4524
300. LoopTodo Feedback Button 0.9.2014.05.21 LoopTodo 731
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