Themes speed test results by Theme Title - Page:42

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
2051. SqueezeMe 1.8 95
2052. Squirrel 1.6.4 91
2053. Stack 1.0.3 hellweaver666 95
2054. StairWay 1.2.2 tomastoman 91
2055. StandardPack marviepons 91
2056. Star 1.8 poena 90
2057. Starburst 1.1 rockinfree 95
2058. Stargazer 1.2.1 greenshady 91
2059. Stargazer Colloquium 1.011 Prometheus Fire 91
2060. Stark Lite 1.0.8 nitkr 91
2061. StarOcean 1.3 hostease 94
2062. Start Point 1.2.2 88
2063. Startup 2.5.1 StartupWP 86
2064. StartupWP 1.1.8 StartupWP 86
2065. States 1.3 Developdaly 93
2066. staypressed 1.4 LuigiLupo 91
2067. Steampunk 1.2.2 tsegseo 91
2068. Steira 1.0.1 automattic 95
2069. Stitch 1.07 sixhours 90
2070. Stock 1.0.2 lukecarbis 91
2071. Storefront 1.3.0 woothemes 94
2072. Storefront Paper 1.1.1 rocketfarmer 89
2073. Stork 1.4 justgoodthemes 89
2074. Storto 1.3.1 CrestaProject 91
2075. Story 1.0.1 alex27 91
2076. Straight Up 1.0.4 kwight 91
2077. Straightforward 1.7 mskempster 93
2078. Strange Little Town 0.3 magically 95
2079. Strapped 1.4 ieub 86
2080. StrapVert 1.2.4 ZGani 87
2081. Striker 2.1 danstriker 89
2082. Stripay 2.3 crondeau 91
2083. Stripes and Blue 1.2 miyepages 91
2084. Studio-X 1.1.0 xavortm 88
2085. StudioPress 1.2 DailyBlogTips 94
2086. Stunning Silence 1.2.6 brandonw 93
2087. StupidGenius 3.3.5 difool 95
2088. Sturd. 1.2 wpbox 89
2089. Style 59 3.2 vijayrajesh 89
2090. Sublime Press 1.1.2 amplifiii 85
2091. SubSimple 1.2 rohitink 95
2092. Subtle 1.5.4 xavortm 89
2093. SubtleFlux 1.0.3 thestateofflux 93
2094. SuevaFree alexvtn 92
2095. Suffusion 4.4.7 sayontan 91
2096. Sugar and Spice 1.3.2 alex27 90
2097. Suits 1.1 theme-weaver 91
2098. Sukelius Magazine 0.1.5 themesbros 89
2099. Summ 1.1.8 Axiu 95
2100. Summit Lite 1.0.4 tetheredthemes 88
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