This widget will show general information about you.

Add your email and small description, and your gravatar will be shown next to the summary. You can also show icons (URLs) of your social network accounts.

[wp-pic slug=”about-me-3000″ layout=”large” scheme=”scheme1″ align=”right” margin=”0 0 0 20px” containerid=”download-sexion” ajax=”yes”]

Currently, the following social networks are supported:

* Facebook
* Friendfeed
* Flickr
* Delicious
* Google Plus
* Feedburner
* MySpace
* LinkedIn
* Posterous
* Skype
* StumbleUpon
* Technorati
* Twitter
* Tumblr
* Pinterest
* YouTube
* Xing

You can even add your Feedburner ID, and the plugin will show the number of subscribers, next to a standard Feedburner image.

You can download it here