JavaScript Archive


While messing with Twitter itself on a regular basis is nothing but a huge waste of time (my personal opinion, of course, you’re free to disagree with it), I have to admit that a lot of the messages sent by Twitter user may lead ...Read More

OpenJS Grid

I hate statistics. I think I said that before, but I must say it again. It’s my hate for the math behind it, not anything else, since I must also admit that a lot of useful information is contained in various databases and tables. ...Read More


In case you missed the big news, the Apocalypse was supposed to drop by this last weekend. Since it seems everyone missed it, I guess we need a map now to find it. That reverend-liar-bastard surely disappeared to continue his quest to find it ...Read More


iPhone application developers, get ready – this one’s for you! Hate it or love it, the iPhone is a real gold mine for developers too, not just for Apple, the carriers and those into making accessories for it, so I decided to find some ...Read More


Need a hand? Hey, this week is just taking off, so I see nothing bad in asking for a bit of help, even if it comes shaped as a tooltip. This is not necessarily about software, since I’ve seen a lot of websites that ...Read More


I don’t know about you, but “G5” sounds like an assault rifle to me – in fact, I am almost sure you have to find some military-related meaning for it, but since we’re supposed to be talking about webdev stuff here… let’s move to ...Read More

Sencha Touch

Not too long ago, we talked about mobl, “a new free and open source language designed specially to speed up building mobile applications.” Well, today we’ll move to another similar piece of code, namely Sencha Touch – after all, it’s incredible how popular became ...Read More


A few days ago, I read an article about the closure of the last factory in the world still making typewriters (I think we’re talking about the last mechanical typewriters manufacturer, in fact). If we leave aside the fact that it’s amazing that the ...Read More


Online image galleries that also offer some cool animations when moving from one picture to another never get old, don’t you think? Sure, some people may say that watching slideshows instead of checking a bunch of thumbnails and going for the thing you want ...Read More


This entire mobile Internet revolution we’re going through seems to be moving faster than the programming/software worlds, but I am sure they’re already catching up. After all, there has been enough patching up of old stuff so far, the time has come for new ...Read More