PHP Archive


I don’t know about you, but I think that a really good book simply doesn’t need a movie adaptation. For example, I simply wasn’t able to watch Dune after reading Frank Herbert’s books. If I have to eliminate one of the following – music, ...Read More


I don’t know about you, but “G5” sounds like an assault rifle to me – in fact, I am almost sure you have to find some military-related meaning for it, but since we’re supposed to be talking about webdev stuff here… let’s move to ...Read More


I am in shock – it seems Facebook has become more popular than Google and porn together!!! I know that this may seem complete bullshit to some of you, but here’s the proof – what can you say against that, huh??? Now, it shouldn’t ...Read More

Infinite Responder

I don’t know if it’s only me and the emails I receive, but some messages don’t really need my attention – it’s not spam, just messages from friends that usually get answers like “I have seen that video 2 years ago.” or “Sorry, but ...Read More

Open Web Analytics

Apart from these sites I don’t own but I write for with pleasure, I have a few sites of my own that I update only once in a while, so I couldn’t care less about Google Analytics. In fact, I don’t even use that ...Read More