CSS Archive


While an experienced developer can get started with CSS and go above average level in less than an hour, I think that code generators should be used as often as possible, I decided to take a closer look at another Web-based CSS tool. After ...Read More

OpenJS Grid

I hate statistics. I think I said that before, but I must say it again. It’s my hate for the math behind it, not anything else, since I must also admit that a lot of useful information is contained in various databases and tables. ...Read More


I don’t know about you, but “G5” sounds like an assault rifle to me – in fact, I am almost sure you have to find some military-related meaning for it, but since we’re supposed to be talking about webdev stuff here… let’s move to ...Read More

Sencha Touch

Not too long ago, we talked about mobl, “a new free and open source language designed specially to speed up building mobile applications.” Well, today we’ll move to another similar piece of code, namely Sencha Touch – after all, it’s incredible how popular became ...Read More


Some time ago, I started to write a book for someone. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to finish it, that someone got out of the tutorials/books business, so I ended up with a nice table of contents and a few chapters that I ...Read More


This entire mobile Internet revolution we’re going through seems to be moving faster than the programming/software worlds, but I am sure they’re already catching up. After all, there has been enough patching up of old stuff so far, the time has come for new ...Read More


To be honest, I think the time for warped text has passed, but if you’re into some retro-style Web design, then I am sure you’ll find CSSWARP to be pretty useful – after all, we’re talking about a Web-based application that can generate HTML5 ...Read More

Not Just A Grid

From time to time, I discover sites with pretty good/useful content, but with layouts that make me wonder if my computer’s calendar isn’t showing a date that’s two decades ahead… Fortunately, there are plenty of tools for webmasters who want to use layouts to ...Read More

Online CSS Code Generators

CSS is the  most used style sheet languages. But if you are new in web programming, CSS is not that user friendly as you might expect. But there are a few solotuins for this. The online CSS code generators are perfect tools for beginners ...Read More


I hate Twitter. I also hate Facebook a little, although I use them both from time to time. It’s simply the fact that everyone started using them and both are now full of spammers and background noise. Maybe the time has come for some ...Read More