Web based Archive


Can you believe that some people pay up to 100 bucks or more to some self-titled “designers” who don’t work at least 20 minutes to “create” a WordPress theme? I didn’t do such a thing, but one buddy of mine did it a few ...Read More


For a lot of Web developers and designers, keeping things as short and simple as possible is not something to choose – it’s something you follow as faithfully as possible, or else… wasting your time can have really nasty consequences, going as far as ...Read More


While an experienced developer can get started with CSS and go above average level in less than an hour, I think that code generators should be used as often as possible, I decided to take a closer look at another Web-based CSS tool. After ...Read More


Weather has been really sad lately – a lot of rain, cold as in late November/early December… all without following any logical pattern. Well… weather may go on a strange path, but as far as pattern generators go, Patternify scores quite a few points ...Read More

Page Speed

As I’m sure you know already, Google’s algorithm has been taking into account the speed of the Web sites checked for quite a while. Obviously, the speed of a page/website doesn’t only depend on the raw speed of the server hosting it, since there’s ...Read More


To be honest, I think the time for warped text has passed, but if you’re into some retro-style Web design, then I am sure you’ll find CSSWARP to be pretty useful – after all, we’re talking about a Web-based application that can generate HTML5 ...Read More

Online CSS Code Generators

CSS is the  most used style sheet languages. But if you are new in web programming, CSS is not that user friendly as you might expect. But there are a few solotuins for this. The online CSS code generators are perfect tools for beginners ...Read More


With DevHub you don’t need to pay a webdeveloper to build your website. Even if you don’t know nothing about website building, with DevHub even your grandpa can build his own website. You can build in a few steps a blog, a webhub, a ...Read More


This is no secret, but I never told you about it so far – I am moderating the IT section of a general-purpose forum. Nothing out of this world, just a medium-sized forum reached by a few thousand users daily. Strange enough, even there ...Read More


Facebook again? Oh, well, it seems soon we won’t be able to go anywhere without hearing about it. Just think about a world where everything will have a “Like on Facebook” label, be it a digital display connected wirelessly to the Internet or just… ...Read More