
For a lot of Web developers and designers, keeping things as short and simple as possible is not something to choose – it’s something you follow as faithfully as possible, or else… wasting your time can have really nasty consequences, going as far as leaving you without any work to do. After all, who wants to work with a person/company needing more time than all the others to get the same job done? Well, today we’re not going to talk about any impressive script or IDE that can help you spare some of that precious time, since I think that easy to use, straightforward Web-based tools like resizeMyBrowser can also have a serious impact in the long run…

… so let’s make a short story even shorter: created by Chen Luo, resizeMyBrowser is nothing more but a browser resizing application that works best with best on Safari, Firefox and IE, unfortunately still encountering some issues on Opera and Chrome. Basically, it does the following things: allows you to set to set the browser size by both Inner window and Outer window, displays the current size values in real time when manually resizing the browser, it even lets you create your own presets, all inside a clean layout. Excellent!

As I write this, resizeMyBrowser is free and I have no doubt that it will continue to remain this way. Current version is 1.0.9, released back on the 23rd of February and, if you ask me, all I wish to see until Christmas is support for Opera and Chrome or – why not? – even some extensions for this browser to get the resizing job properly done. That’s all, folks! 😉

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