Other License Archive

Traffic Travis 4

When someone says that ignorance is bliss, it’s almost sure that the person saying it doesn’t have anything to do with SEO. In this world, ignorance is certain death, as Google’s actions managed to prove in the last few years, sometimes also causing collateral ...Read More


I don’t know about you, but I think that a really good book simply doesn’t need a movie adaptation. For example, I simply wasn’t able to watch Dune after reading Frank Herbert’s books. If I have to eliminate one of the following – music, ...Read More

OpenJS Grid

I hate statistics. I think I said that before, but I must say it again. It’s my hate for the math behind it, not anything else, since I must also admit that a lot of useful information is contained in various databases and tables. ...Read More

Vectorian Giotto

As you probably noticed until now, we usually stay away from standalone software for a single platform here, on WebDev3000. Well, today we’ll talk about Vectorian Giotto, a program that only works with Win 2000/XP/Vista/7, so in case you’re wondering why is this happening, ...Read More


I don’t know about you, but “G5” sounds like an assault rifle to me – in fact, I am almost sure you have to find some military-related meaning for it, but since we’re supposed to be talking about webdev stuff here… let’s move to ...Read More


Some time ago, I started to write a book for someone. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to finish it, that someone got out of the tutorials/books business, so I ended up with a nice table of contents and a few chapters that I ...Read More


Remember PickyDomains and BustAName? No need to worry if you don’t, I’ll concentrate those stories in just a few words right now: it’s all about finding the best domain name for your business – nothing less, nothing more. Well, last night I just bumped ...Read More


Online image galleries that also offer some cool animations when moving from one picture to another never get old, don’t you think? Sure, some people may say that watching slideshows instead of checking a bunch of thumbnails and going for the thing you want ...Read More


I am in shock – it seems Facebook has become more popular than Google and porn together!!! I know that this may seem complete bullshit to some of you, but here’s the proof – what can you say against that, huh??? Now, it shouldn’t ...Read More

Page Speed

As I’m sure you know already, Google’s algorithm has been taking into account the speed of the Web sites checked for quite a while. Obviously, the speed of a page/website doesn’t only depend on the raw speed of the server hosting it, since there’s ...Read More