Traffic Travis 4

When someone says that ignorance is bliss, it’s almost sure that the person saying it doesn’t have anything to do with SEO. In this world, ignorance is certain death, as Google’s actions managed to prove in the last few years, sometimes also causing collateral damage… too much collateral damage for my taste, if you ask me. Well, that’s life – sometimes you happen to end up with your face in the dirt, but the only important part is to get up every time that happens.

For webmasters and SEO specialists, Traffic Travis may be that helping hand that makes the difference between lying in the dirt and risin’ high again, so let’s take a quick look at some of those things that support my words, shall we?

What is Traffic Travis and what can be done with it?

To make a longer story short, Traffic Travis is one of those programs that help you do much more than just assess the quality of your website’s SEO – it can help you find links, discover niches with low competition and good potential, while its reporting capabilities are great, especially when talking about its freely available version.

Did I just say “freely available version”? It seems I just did, so let me tell you just one more thing about it – when it comes to freely available programs that can help you with your SEO work, there are plenty of great ones, for example SEO Studio or the almighty SEO PowerSuite, but the first one is pretty (un)friendly, while the second one’s free version is severely crippled. Well, Traffic Travis 4 is both user friendly and feature-rich, so there’s no excuse for not using it!

Traffic Travis 4

Traffic Travis 4 - The Dashboard Tab

If you want to take a quick tour of the program, you can watch the video that loads as soon as you power it up, or you can simply create a new project and mess with it, it’s nothing easier – just add your website’s URL, a few keywords to focus on, the URL of your sitemap, select the search engines to use and you’re ready to go! No, no, I won’t tell you about researching low competition keywords or finding your niche, that’s something you will enjoy doing yourself, I want to take this one step further…

… what could make Traffic Travis a much better program?

As I write this, Traffic Travis 4 can handle information from the 3 major Internet Search providers of the Western World – Google, Bing and Yahoo, but I think there’s a huge chance for it, waiting to be grabbed. The name of that chance? Facebook! For a lot of people I know, Google is slowly being replaced by Facebook even when it comes to search (especially companies and products, apart from people), so a website that’s not on Facebook can be as bad as a website that’s not on Google… even worse. Got my idea? I am sure you do, so that’s all for now – let’s jump to the last step!

Do you want a conclusion?

In my book, Traffic Travis is not a single bit worse than awesome. It could be even better, as I said, but it already offers a lot of value for free, even more value for a price(USD 97$ for a year Pro access), and since the number of webmasters who trust it will soon reach 500,000… it can’t be that bad, right? Give it a try, you won’t regret it! 😉