While a good singer can still impress his audience without a sound system, a good Web developer can’t do much without the proper tools. Unfortunately, most tools for Web development are pretty expensive, but the good part is that the Internet is full of freebies waiting to be found… the only problem remaining the amount of time needed to do get the job done by yourself.
The good news is that WPSpeedster and WebDev3000 is going to take you where you’d be by yourself a thousand years from now on ;), offering you suggestions about the best tools and resources freely available all over the Web, from SEO tools to free stock images and banner creators.
We’re not trying to give you full reviews, and we don’t claim we know everything, either – this is just the same piece of advice we would give to our friends, and that’s why we appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Help us help you, and we’ll grow together! 😉
I’m interested in a widget for WP that is similar to AM3000. Would you customize that? For a fee of course. Al
I’m not sure if I left you a message previously but love your work and might be interested in working with you. We have a WP program and an ongoing need for programing help.
About Me 3000 will this work with wpmu to ?
I couldn’t find a contact from, that’s why I am using the comment form to contact you.
I wanted to ask you if it is ok to include your ‘About Me 3000’ plugin with the theme I am going to release as a free theme soon. You will be given its credits.
Please let me know if there is any problem.
FYI, The link to author page in http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/about-me-3000/stats/ is broken.
Aravind Ajith
Thank you for comment. You can use it in your theme if it will be available for free. I mean your theme.
Can you tell me how to adjust the font size on your plugin? It looks like it inherits the sidebar style however can you look at my site, http://zach-browne.com and tell me why it the font is so small? Many thanks.
Sir i installed ur plugin on my blog, but it is now working, pls check it on http://listmysearch.com/softshop-2
Kindly check it by clicking any of the products link there is something error, pls. help
“Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/rock86/public_html/wp-content/plugins/software-shop/software-shop-model.php on line 53”
Something this kind of error is coming
Hello: This may not be the best way to do this, but I’m a fairly ignorant creator of a webpage and I’ve just shifted to using WordPress. I’ve tried to add your widget (About Me 3000) and can’t figure out how to include my “gravatar” in it. I created a gravatar at their site and don’t know what any next step might be. In the settings for About Me 3000 I checked the gravatar box. If you can give me any insight, I’d appreciate it.
“WD3K Go Top Down” plugin donnot work in WordPress new version 3.2
could you debug it?
i have same problem:
“WD3K Go Top Down” plugin donnot work in WordPress new version 3.2
could you debug it?