No matter how tough the economic situation may be, there’s one thing that applies almost every time: those who really want to work always find something to do. For the others, the crisis is always a good reason to rub the mint and complain about how tough their life is. Well, I won’t be able to provide anyone with a job in this article, but I can surely provide webmasters with a pretty good free & open source application that has the purpose of helping you create and manage a classifieds website.
Today’s subject, OSClass, was built using PHP and MySQL and, according to its official page that I just mentioned, it provides all “you need to easily create your own classifieds website.” With a bunch of sector-specific extensions for cars, jobs, dating, real estate and so on, OSClass allows you to easily create lists, not to mention that it can display any type and amount of items, all inside a customizable interface sporting flexible theming support, a few themes being already provided with the setup package.
Integration doesn’t look bad at all, since you can easily add Google Maps or PayPal into the equation, not to mention breadcrumbs navigation and a bunch of other goodies that I’ll leave for you to discover. Obviously, there’s no need to install the whole OSClass package to get a quick taste of it, since a demo can be quickly accessed by clicking here. I guess that’s all, folks – feel free to share your opinions on OSClass with the rest of us here, don’t be shy, all right? 😉