PHP Archive


I don’t know about you, but “G5” sounds like an assault rifle to me – in fact, I am almost sure you have to find some military-related meaning for it, but since we’re supposed to be talking about webdev stuff here… let’s move to ...Read More


No matter how tough the economic situation may be, there’s one thing that applies almost every time: those who really want to work always find something to do. For the others, the crisis is always a good reason to rub the mint and complain ...Read More


I am in shock – it seems Facebook has become more popular than Google and porn together!!! I know that this may seem complete bullshit to some of you, but here’s the proof – what can you say against that, huh??? Now, it shouldn’t ...Read More

Infinite Responder

I don’t know if it’s only me and the emails I receive, but some messages don’t really need my attention – it’s not spam, just messages from friends that usually get answers like “I have seen that video 2 years ago.” or “Sorry, but ...Read More


Find a niche, build a store, advertise, sell, earn money. What’s missing there? Yes, I know, you also need some money to throw in, not to mention the time you’ll have to spend to get your business in motion! While I can’t help you ...Read More

Open Web Analytics

Apart from these sites I don’t own but I write for with pleasure, I have a few sites of my own that I update only once in a while, so I couldn’t care less about Google Analytics. In fact, I don’t even use that ...Read More


In the last few months, I barely touched my digital camera, despite the fact that I love taking pictures and I’m pretty good at it, especially considering the fact that I have a poor compact one, not some state-of-the-art & expensive DSLR. The reason? ...Read More

PHP Text to Image

Why would you convert text to image? Well, the first thing that comes into my mind when I hear this is “to avoid spam,” since it’s almost impossible to automatically gather email addresses displayed as images, while those that get displayed as plain text ...Read More

justVisual 2

If someone tells you that WordPress seems like rocket science, what would you recommend? Sure, we are talking about some people that use computers at work, yet remaining computer illeterates when it comes to anything else than the stuff they do to earn their ...Read More


One of my dreams is to discover, one day, a CMS that allows me to add content with my mind – no voice commands, no use of ancient devices like the keyboard and mouse I use now – just the idea of an article, ...Read More